Oliver Cromwell Lloyd (1911 - 1985).


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Oliver Cromwell Lloyd

Probably copy write.  As we are not in Cwmparc you will have to Google it.

An amusing fellow.  I could tell a lot of stories, but if I did I would be banned again.


Well-known member
The thing about Oliver was that people knew him from a lot of different disciplines and were sometimes quite unaware of what else he was involved in.  I really only knew him through my cave diving activities but he was very  highly respected as a pathologist.


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Googling images of Oliver Cromwell Lloyd throws up images of a wide variety of individuals ranging from Adolf Hitler to Johnny Depp.


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mrodoc said:
The thing about Oliver was that people knew him from a lot of different disciplines and were sometimes quite unaware of what else he was involved in.  I really only knew him through my cave diving activities but he was very  highly respected as a pathologist.

This was very useful when he had to diagnose himself with Weil's Disease.

He also invented a sump rescue apparatus....and was also the first person to be rescued with it (Stoke Lane Slocker if I recall correctly)

He was indeed a character and a half.



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In the mid 60?s there burst on the cave  diving scene  Dr O C Lloyd who managed to  inflate passions amongst the diving fraternity  which resulted in this song.  Mike Wooding, with Messrs Savage and Drew had formed a breakaway diving group which is presumably the revolution referred to.  Fish is Mike Jeanmire of Axbridge, Pearce is Ken Pearce of the BSA. The tune is based on a Dylan composition, With God on our side, but for the ethically minded it will fit the Patriot Game where Dylan pinched it from originally.

Oh my name it is nothing, my age it means less,
The club I belong to is the one I love best.
I?s taught and brought up there, the laws to abide,
For you won?t go far wrong son, with OCL on your side.

Bob Davies and Balcombe soon had their day,
The lines in Wookey and Swildon?s were soon laid away.
The names of our heroes I?s made to memorise.
With reels in their hands and OCL on their side.

The history books tell it, they tell it so well,
The revolutions came and CDG. fell.
The revolutions failed and Mike Wooding died.
He simply did not have OCL on his side.

I?ve learned to hate Pearce throughout my whole life.
If the BSA comes it?s them we must fight.
To hate them and fear then, to run and to hide,
For the BSA too may have OCL on their side.

The Northern Cave divers said Lloyd was a liar,
Even Mike Wooding added fuel to the fire.
They came down to Wookey and diving they tried,
Could have been more successful with OCL on their side.

Now we have divers of passions and lust,
If the stream way needs forcing then force it we met.
One fault in our training and when we have died,
Will we have God or OCL on our side?

But now that I?m  leaving I?m weary as hell,
The confusion I?m feeling ain?t no tongue can tell.
I cannot think for you, you?ll have to decide.
If you do or do not want OCL on your side.

And though my song is over there?s more to be said,
For Fish its composer, is married and dead.
He met with Liz Heather and made her his bride,
Now who?s left to sing With OCL on Our Side?
