• CNCC Meeting Saturday 26th October, 9.30am - Clapham Vilage Hall

    Lots on the agenda including Officer vacancies:

    In 2025, our Chair, Access Officer and Treasurer are all standing down. This meeting is an opportunity for interested people to make themselves known, ask questions, or just to spectate to see what the role might involve before putting your name forward.

    Click here for more info

Quaking Pot


Good work, whoever dragged the drill and anchors down there!  :clap:

I'll add it to my list for the weekend.*

*My talking about in the pub list :eek:


Well-known member
Well done, I guess this was over quite a long time, as I know there were p-anchors to at least pitch 4.

Simon Wilson

New member
A new, more accurate survey would be good - now there's a challenge.

Quaking is only 142m deep so there's a lot of limestone below it. There's a dig in the bottom which was once one of Dalek's epic digs I believe. And there's possibly the biggest unclimbed aven in the Dales.


Active member
Simon Wilson said:
A new, more accurate survey would be good - now there's a challenge.

Quaking is only 142m deep so there's a lot of limestone below it. There's a dig in the bottom which was once one of Dalek's epic digs I believe. And there's possibly the biggest unclimbed aven in the Dales.

Is the aven you are referring to here Bridge Hall, or the aven where the 3rd pitch is? Presume the former.

Simon Wilson

New member
nobrotson said:
Simon Wilson said:
A new, more accurate survey would be good - now there's a challenge.

Quaking is only 142m deep so there's a lot of limestone below it. There's a dig in the bottom which was once one of Dalek's epic digs I believe. And there's possibly the biggest unclimbed aven in the Dales.

Is the aven you are referring to here Bridge Hall, or the aven where the 3rd pitch is? Presume the former.

Sorry, I missed this.

Bridge Hall. It might have been climbed higher than the 100ft given in the old Northern Caves but I'm not aware of anybody climbing it since. I have a file on Quaking somewhere. I just had a look for it and couldn't put my hand on it.

I've talked to a lot of the old hands about it over the years and I have some snippets of interesting information/rumours about it.

I've used the full size survey to plot where it's near in relation to digs and I think I've been close to it from above. That's why I'd like some keen young tiger to go and survey it more accurately.