• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

Redhouse Lane Swallet Update


Active member
Firstly, thanks to all of you that attended and supported the HE talk. It was much appreciated.

A full write-up will be in Descent 301, but just to keep you all engaged....

During the weekend of HE the rains came. Rain and Redhouse do not mix well. Very few trips were made subsequent, each time, we noted flood debris, and the low sections in the entrance series became more and more desperate until we finally gave up on 12th October 2024. We know with the ground water saturation, that we will be lucky to get back in before late spring/ early summer next year.

Having said that, we achieved one trip where Crack in Black was extended to a boulder choke and two new passages were found off the main passage from Tiff's Treat.

A second trip reverted to a digging for several hours in Dan's Passage, only to find an oxbow back into known cave. This was the penultimate trip of the season, and after all of us continued bumbling along exhausted the same Dan, found a significant passage just off the main route to Mindless Optimism. Ironically, this was adjacent to the 'comfort break' area and was named 'Pissimism'. The final trip surveyed just some of the finds, after a mammoth 12 hour effort. By this time, everybody was free-diving out, and climbing the ladders blinded by water, so trips were getting to the point of silliness.

We have been extremely careful to preserve the amazing floor deposits. We have taped immediately after discovery, often on the same trip. The conservation and surveying approach clearly has made progress slower, but we are proud that visiting cavers will see the cave as we found it. For this reason, as a reminder, there is no general access at present.

We do need to finish taping and surveying. There is a lot still to do. However, we hope to be able to have limited numbers of local club or visiting competent cavers on some trips (TBC but probably to a maximum of 2 with one or more of the core team) to assist for those skilled in conservation taping and surveying.

The cave isn't for everybody. The entrance series is hard work and does go on, is extremely flood prone, and many parts of the extensions are a mass of loose boulders. Almost every trip there were tales of near misses. It goes without saying the rescue would be extremely difficult.

Until next year, enjoy Descent 301 where we will reveal the vital statistics and full potential of this amazing cave.
I shouldn't say it, but it's quite a relief that the cave has finally shut us out for a bit. While it was still passable, it was hard to justify doing anything else, as every trip might have been the last!

Time to rest the knees for a bit and get back to some neglected projects.
How about a few photos to whet the appetitive? Descent 301 is a long way off..
Gobstopper Chamber in We're Off to See the Wizard

Cryogenic Causeway
A bigger bit. Looking towards the start of Cryogenic Causeway from Mindless Optimism. Pissimism Passage is off camera to the left.