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Return to Aquamole - The Film


Active member
Apart from being a damned good film, this must have been one of the best recruiting seargents for UKCaving?


New member
My grateful thanks to everyone who has requested a link to watch Return to Aquamole, all 115 of you!

The response has been absolutely amazing (350 views) and what wonderful comments too!

The film will be taken down on New Year’s Eve so if there are any final requests ...

Hi Keith can I watch Return to Aquamole. Have a good new year

Caver Keith

Well-known member
Apart from being a damned good film, this must have been one of the best recruiting seargents for UKCaving?
It's also done wonders for the viewing figures! :) It seems that offering a film for a limited time sparks interest. This was never my intention or reason for doing this, but perhaps I should do it for future releases. :LOL:


New member
Good day Keith. Would it be possible to get a copy of the link sent over please as I would love to see this.

Warm regards


Staff member
Just watched it, brilliant. Well done to all involved. What a guy, Geoff is. I now know where Aquamole got its name from.
Thank you Keith for the UKC exclusive 👍👍👍
I hope lots more cavers ask for a link to this enjoyable and educational film 😁

....and remember, only available until New Year's Eve!!


Hi Keith,
Thanks for sending me the link.

Having now watched your film, I think it is up there with the best caving films I have seen.

I hope you have a great New Year and turn out more superb videos in 2024.

Best wishes, Harry Long

Caver Keith

Well-known member
Am I still in time to get the link for the Aquamole film? Please!
I've send you a personal message.
Can all future requests please be sent to me as a personal message, not a post on this thread.
Click on my picture and then on Start Conversation.
Remember, it will be taken down this evening.
Last edited:

Caver Keith

Well-known member
Thanks once again to everyone that requested a link to view the film. Thanks also for your wonderful comments. They mean a lot. However, I can only accept a small amount of the credit. The whole enterprise would not have been possible without the help and support of the following people.

Loz Appleby
Nick Bairstow
Jon Beavan
Bartek Biela
Paulina Biela
Jessica Burkey
Keith Edwards
Dino T Dianovszki
Christine Groshart
Chris Scaife
Graham Smith
Roo Walters
Jonathan Wilkes
Dave Williams

Caver Divers:
Mark Burkey
Geoff Crossley
George Linnane
Mitchell Parry
Geoff Yeadon

Video and Photographs:
Nick Bairstow
Bartek Biela
Mark Burkey
Keith Edwards
Christine Groshart
Graham Smith
Roo Walters
Jonathan Wilkes
Dave Williams

Bartek Biela (he did the really clever survey overlay) & Keith Edwards

Thanks to the following for allowing me to use their photographs and images:
  • Council of Northern Caving Clubs for the Kingsdale Cave Map
  • Mick Melvin for the the photos of Bill Frakes & John Ogden
  • Red Rose Cave & Pothole for the Mossdale photo from the Ron Bliss Collection
  • ULSA for allowing me to use their West Kingsdale survey

My enormous thanks to everyone who assisted in the preparation and on the day. Without them this film would not have been possible.

I am especially grateful to:
  • Mark Burkey the mastermind behind the enterprise without whom this film would not have been possible, and also for filming the underwater sequences and in Frakes' Passage.
  • Roo Walters and Bartek Biela for their expertise, help and encouragement, not to mention their brilliant camera-work.
I am now going to tout it around a couple of film festivals before eventually making it publicly available.
