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Sod Hole Gill Cave

Jenny P

Active member
The British Caving Library (BCL) has been asked if it has a copy of the survey of Sod Hole Gill Cave (or Sodhole Gill Cave), originally produced by the Yorkshire Underground Research Team (YURT). This is known to have existed as a separate survey.

It turns out that BCL doesn't have a separate printed survey of it so I checked all the YURT publications we have, just in case it was included in one of their publications. We don't have that many of them so the ony ones I have been able to check are:
YURT Report 1, June 1968
YURT Report 2, Sept. 1970
YURT Newsletter V1, No.2, Feb. 1966
YURT Newsletter V1, No.3, March 1966
YURT Newsletter V1, No.4, April 1966

There is nothing in any of the above publications so I have drawn a complete blank.

It's possible that someone else may have a copy or that some else may have copies of the other YURT publications so maybe someone else can help. If you can throw any light on this, please let us know.

Many thanks.

Jenny P

Jim MacPherson

Active member
The British Caving Library (BCL) has been asked if it has a copy of the survey of Sod Hole Gill Cave (or Sodhole Gill Cave), originally produced by the Yorkshire Underground Research Team (YURT). This is known to have existed as a separate survey.

It turns out that BCL doesn't have a separate printed survey of it so I checked all the YURT publications we have, just in case it was included in one of their publications. We don't have that many of them so the ony ones I have been able to check are:
YURT Report 1, June 1968
YURT Report 2, Sept. 1970
YURT Newsletter V1, No.2, Feb. 1966
YURT Newsletter V1, No.3, March 1966
YURT Newsletter V1, No.4, April 1966

There is nothing in any of the above publications so I have drawn a complete blank.

It's possible that someone else may have a copy or that some else may have copies of the other YURT publications so maybe someone else can help. If you can throw any light on this, please let us know.

Many thanks.

Jenny P
North Yorkshire Moors Caving Club seems to have some more in a donated archive;

Chris Twigg uses UKC on occasion so could be a good source, as AditNow is still in a dark place I don't have a direct contact.


Chris Curry

New member
As per Mark's comment above, it was surveyed by Tony Harrison in 2015. The survey is in the public domain and is available on the NYMCC website. See below.

Sod Hole.jpg


Well-known member
Apparently there's a paper about them in cave & karst science 39(1) April 2012, download from:

Google suggests that CNCC handbook 1969 includes mention of the caves, but I can't find it in there (it does list surveys for many sites).

The rediscovery of shivery Gill is written up in MSG12
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Well-known member
That should have been discovery rather than rediscovery (page layout is rather confusing)

Found it in CNCC 1969, listed under abbotside common, no survey then.

NC1 lists YURT as finding No.5 in 1972, so presumably it'd be after that... (Vol 4 of their newsletters is only 1968)
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Jenny P

Active member
Wow, a massive thank you to all you cavers out there who have come up trumps for us! We didn't have this as a separate survey in the British Caving Library and I didn't twig that someone like Mouldywarps would likely have been involved in a survey. Or that North Yorkshire Moors Caving Club might have some material.

Thanks again all.

Jenny P.


Well-known member
For anything from Wensleydale northwards the first port of call is usually Moldywarps literature.

And yes, that NYMCC resource is excellent!


Well-known member
The original enquiry does suggest an older survey, but doesn't seem to be any evidence for one


Well-known member
Jenny, if you're able to tell me who the original enquirer was, I may be able to ask someone who would probably know of the existence of a YURT survey & may even have a copy.

Maybe best to email me separately.