Starting Caving!!!!


Well-known member
ditzy said:
it really depends on what trips you are planning to do.
if you are going to be doing trips that involve srt then you will need a full srt kit -
although other kit that you may wish to have is a furry and a oversuit.
you may also be able to orrow kit from what ever club you join but as far as srt goes, it is highly recomended that you have your own, it is your responsibility as your life depends on havign everything working properly. you may also wish to get a rope.

But to answer your question 'what kit would I need before joining a club?' - the answer is none. You will pretty soon need your own undersuit, oversuit, helmet, light, spare light and wellies, but you may be able to borrow the suits, and you will be able to borrow or hire light and helmet. And since the light can be expensive, it's a good idea to see what other people have got before making your choice.



Thats right Les

best thing for searching is to just go to the home page then search from there.


Always wondered what the little box next to the word search did, you have just changed the whole internet experience for me--- what a big place the internet is when you start using those little search boxes.  did you know that most sites have them??? marvellous.  The pea is full to bursting.....

On a serious thanks to all for your comments, have found it most useful.
Disco :D


Cookie said:
where do you get Caving Insurance from? How much?? Will it hurt? :spank:

Find your prefered caving club first. They'll sort you out with insurance.

Cost is ?16/annum

Oh and UCET are a good crowd.
    --Cheers have had a good look at the ucet website and intend to get in touch with them once my car is up and running... :cry:
Is anybody on here a member of UCET that could give me a bit more info?????

Disco (y)


New member
Buy nothing yet, why not try CCPC they are a great lot and will if you ask nicely sort you out with the loan of some club kit for your 1st few trips. Possibly a car share & a wealth of experience.
We are active probably more than weekly and in the Yorkshire Dales, Derbyshire, Wales...
(y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y) (y)