The Mine Shafts Project. Hydrology.

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
If I can do dig reports like this with photos and videos why cant others ? The forum is still short on such material. I really dont know why.

" Put the sodding camera away and take this tub."


The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Sorry about the repeat. Really annoying that the poster loses editing rights after a few minutes. Not like my other forums.

Its my images so I should retain control over them not the forum.

MODS please ruddy well note or explain !

25,000 Photobucket hostings now. Not all on here !

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
In the bottom of this shaft your finding timbers at , will this intersect a level ? I assume so hence why your doing all of this .
We would intersect the main mine adit but not with the water level at the current depth. We can only estimate the adit roof level is somewhere 1m to 6m below where the water is now. Thats not really allowing for a rise in adit base level over the large distance from the shaft to the adit out flow. The level in the drought last year was 2m lower than where it is now but we never had the shoring in. Now it all depends how much more the level will drop. Depends on the rainfall but we are helped by the fields being planted with maize which is taking up a lot of it. Clearly any finds here would be open only in drought conditions but its not our primary objective.

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
The Friday Nighters ( actually only two of us ). Good work in the cavern dig last night. Water down only 5cm over the last ten days. The tide will soon turn. Oddly the main shaft down 5cm but the wetter shaft down 13cm in the same time frame. Poles cut etc for the downward extension of the wet shaft dig shoring. Maybe fitted next Friday night.

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Group email.

PG x 2, Me. Brian and later Ian.

Rain Guage 31mm. Total for August 62mm and 91 mm for July. The maize as yet uncut.

Water Level 5.80m which is down 5cm since Friday.

Friday's work was the best yet. Lots of rocks and very little gravel. Lots more shattered rock removed. The tunnel over the development going in nicely. Peter had a go and promptly dug off to the right in sticky mud. We got the boulder out blocking it. It goes along strike and looked to pinch out. At the end a foot high piece of rock that could be solid bedding or a buried slab on end. The latter would mean further progress that way. Hard to tell. Anyway for the moment more of the same from last week whenever The Friday Nighters can do it.
I thought The Friday Nighters could do the scaffolding job later this week. Get the next pole in and cut the planks to fit. Peter is away on the 5th. I should be too as its my birthday but I told the family I would rather be with my mates ( ? ). So as it stands G. on Friday and Tuesday next week unless anyone wants differant. Maybe the following Friday night back to BG for the usual Friday Nighters thing.

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
I often wonder if I am truly appreciated. As resident dig " engineer " I have to acquire and sort all of the gear needed and makes sure the right tools, pins. drill and bits, hammer. spanner etc are on site at the time. Tomorrow its The Friday Nighters turn. Well thats me and the other bloke. Two lots to go down the shaft. Frame and pole extension to carry the shoring downwards. High level pulley gantry for hauling up the skips.


The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Well all went well last night. This image went on the photo forum.

The TG 6 has died ( unsurpisingly ). Photos backed up by phone on time exposure so a mix coming on here.


The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
4 pm start last night. The lid bar needed tamper proof fittings.

Bar swivel end sorted. More difficult to cut the ring but the bar is still exposed. The padlock end will hve a similiar box.
