• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

The Mine Shafts Project. Hydrology.

A big drop in May water level now 2.5m below the marker. 55mm of rain in May but the drop more related to the spring leaf growth as last year. This year in orange.

Plodding on yesterday. Took our local lady tenant down and looked after her. Some pics on other threads.

Experimented with the mini light cluster.

Actually fitted in some digging to rase the roof at the end of The Hole In The Wall to ease our way to the end face and open up a tiny chamber with a boulder roof.

Mr O'Doc appoaching the end dig. The lode forms the roof.

The very end with a boulder and mud blockage. ( X ). To the right and above rocks forming this slightly larger vugh roof. Removing Y will " release " more of the roof.

View of the end dig ( see pick ) through the enlarged roof slot.

Possibly a two day dig next week if the old folks are up to it.
Day one yesterday as a two day go at The Hole In The Wall. Fair to say I am knackered and the kit is all mucky. Two new members today . They can do most of the work.

Yesterdays photos.

Ad infinitum.

Day Two passed reasonably well. Another day tub hauling for me. I shall have shoulders like an olympic rower. The roof fell on my head but as you know its hardly unusual. We passed though the vugh then it closed down as before still following the lode. Probed now 11m in and dig face at 9m in. When does faith become delusion ? The middle road is not an easy one. Although disappointed we shall carry on until delusion becomes paramount. Photos from yesterday.

The team take a lunch break on the platform in the shaft.

Himself recovers from the collapse seen behind. You get all the action from me.

Back at it.


The probe going 2m along the road.

Oddly Photobucket has removed one of my recent photos as it breaks their rule on decency or whaterever. I cant work out which one though they can be a bit touchy with strangely dressed men lying in ythe mud. I might have a couple of weeks off caving now.
Yup. A couple of weeks off but the Friday Nighters duo were back in The Hole In The Wall last night. A dreary old drive back over the hills at 10pm. One wonders what people are doing parked up late at night. Dog walking some might say. What they call " dogging ". Anyway being sensible I dont stop. A lot hacked out and left for the others on Tuesday if I can rouse them from their stupour. Water going down. This year in orange.

This the pre 1820 undated section of the mine. There have been differant theories which way around it is. The area to the left ( ie NW ) ties in exactly with our section and the stope seen yesterday is where the plan shows it.. The diagonal line is a dislocation on a crosscourse. The mine as actually all on one level. The short shaft leading to a slope is " The Underlayer " working the lode from the top down. The " heave " on the crosscourse seperates the lode laterally by about 60m.

Our section for comparison.

My interpretation of the stopes from the original section. The brown line is the current excavation.

Our latest attempt to add the mine and geology to the current surface map. S are shafts mostly lost. The two far left the ones in the working section. F are the cross courses or faults which have seperated the lode in green by some 60m. Running to the top is the drainage adit. Much of the limestone is buried by a lens of Triassic Sandstone. If the mythical caverns exist they are somewhere close to the shafts on the left.

The underlayer shaft from two stiched together images. Unlocated.

i. A shaft sunk in the footwall and following the dip of a vein. Also called underlier.

Ref: Fay

ii. Shaft that slopes at the dip angle of a lode, but is carried below the ore. Also called a footwall shaft.

Though we are talking mining a bit this is still a natural cavern project.
Work at the end. Me mate has gone asleep.

Working plan. The lode centre. In the roof a dangerous large boulder sculpted by hypogenic solution. Vughs at Y.

Roots seen in an ongoing vugh a long way from the surface. Not seen before.
