• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

The weekend at Hidden Earth


Staff member
Well that was fun....

Thank you to all those who came to see us on the ukcaving stand - it was great to meet so many of the folks who use the forum as well as those new to UKC.

The weather was perfect (not that I saw much of the outside over the past 2 days!) especially for those camping


The bar was packed (well most of the time!).  Well done to all those who help raise funds for Ghar Parau by selling beer



There was concern expressed by many cavers that the crow bar in our 'sample rubbish' drag tray would be thrown away - fear not it will go to a good home  ;D


SpeleOlympics looked great fun and was right next door to us


SRT races....


The ukcaving stand and our neighbours the Shepton Mallet with their oh so innocent looking but wickedly difficult squeeze machine  ;D


Thanks to all those involved in organising Hidden Earth  :thumbsup:

and just found this on facebook!!

I've removed the link folks as requested by one of the Women who was dancing.  As they were raising money for charity I am quite happy to do this.  Cheers, Pegasus

Well done for raising money with tassels!!  :thumbsup:

That's so funny, sorry Pete - hope we haven't got you the sack  :lol:

I couldn't get the blummin song out of my head for ages, oh heck, there it is back again - what on earth am I going to do about Alice??!!
Pegasus said:
That's so funny, sorry Pete - hope we haven't got you the sack  :lol:

I couldn't get the blummin song out of my head for ages, oh heck, there it is back again - what on earth am I going to do about Alice??!!

Alice? who the **** is alice?
JoshW said:
Pegasus said:
That's so funny, sorry Pete - hope we haven't got you the sack  :lol:

I couldn't get the blummin song out of my head for ages, oh heck, there it is back again - what on earth am I going to do about Alice??!!

Alice? who the **** is alice?

No, Josh, no - flippin song is driving me crazy!!  :o  ;D
It won't let me see it. Tells me to "sign in to prove your age".

Google needs to know what you've been watching. It might find this info useful at some point :-)

And I think it's fair to say that what Alys is, is 'trouble' :-)
I hate that song as the first time I heard it was when my mates shouted a slightly modified version very loudly at me at the BRCC meal. "Alex, Alex who the f**k is Alex"
Hi all! After a long absence I have been un-banned (many thanks to Pegasus)!

I have marked the video 'private' after some objections to me posting it on a public forum. I had no intention to offend (well, not much) so if you want a copy please send me a pm with reasons & consent from everybody visible in the video (including those without thier tits out).

Ahh, its good to be back....  and here's a sex tape for those that cant cope without some titilation in thier lives...

Real shame you've took it down :(

Showed we can have some fun sometimes!

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Every time I hear 'hidden earth an steroids' all I can think about is the videos of steroid abusing body builders draining puss from their arms.....