Vercor Caves?

So what are the classic "must do" Vercor trips?  Anyone got some thoughts? I'd specifically like to know about through trips in the region.  Any accompanying URLs for further reading would be appreciated.



Active member
There is a book:

VERCOURS CAVES Classic French Caving Vol 1 by Des Marshall 1993  100 pp 13 B&W photos 25 plans and maps.  The first guide in English to some of the finest caves in Europe.  Includes such splendid caves as Antre des Damnes - 720m with P2, one of the deepest shafts in France at 319m.  Grotte de Gounier, Grotte de la Luire, Grotte de Bournillion and the Gouffre Berger, the first cave to break the magical 1000m depth in 1956. 

Well two books:

SP?L?O DANS LE VERCORS Tome 2 by Serge Caillault, Dominique Haffner, Thierry Krattinger and J J Delannoy.  1999  208 pp 13 colour photos  50 surveys, maps etc.  Includes such famous caves as the Goule Verte, Gour Formant, Cavites du Clot d?Aspres etc.  SB



Cumbrian Neil said:
So what are the classic "must do" Vercor trips?  Anyone got some thoughts? I'd specifically like to know about through trips in the region.  Any accompanying URLs for further reading would be appreciated.

CN. although there's still a lot of work to do on the site, which I'm hoping to complete this winter.



PS: Tony - there's no "u" in Vercors
ULSA Rants describe this trip briefly - Trou des Anciens/Scialet du Brudour traverse.  Does anyone have anything on it?  I do have the Des Marshall book.


Beardy said:

for Trou des Anciens/Scialet du Brudour traverse


other tt's in the vercors
Trou de l'Aygue -Saint-Agnan-en-Vercors

Grotte des Gaulois-Saint-Julien-en-Vercors

and a classic exchange in the Trou Qui Souffle


>Trou de l'Aygue -Saint-Agnan-en-Vercors

Trou de l'Aygue is closed. All entrances have been gated for some years as it's the "source" for St Agnan. Which is a shame as it was a great trip.

>Grotte des Gaulois-Saint-Julien-en-Vercors

Yes it's a through trip although you need to abseil off at the far end, but it's  also a short grotty trip as well...




Hi Glenn

Thanks for the info on the Trou de l'Aygue

It had been on my hit list for a long time - shame that it is now closed .....



Active member
Cumbrian Neil said:
ULSA Rants describe this trip briefly - Trou des Anciens/Scialet du Brudour traverse.  Does anyone have anything on it?  I do have the Des Marshall book.

Did it this Summer - a superb trip. The top entrance is pre-rigged, as are all the "up" pitches. The French description from Sp?l?o magazine was spot on ... I don't have a translation, though, I'm afraid but might be persuaded to do one if you are desperate.


New member
Gourneir is a "must-do"  MAssive passage, sploshy streamway, dingy entrance, bar near the entrance.



anfieldman said:
Hi Neil.

I must agree with Andy F, the Gournier is fantastic.
Have a look at my clubs reports on this page.,5470.75.html

Yes, the Gournier is a must do, but I'd recommend two trips. The first, a leisurely trip to take in the great formations and to make sure you can find the entrance to the streamway. The second, to bomb past the formations and get into the streamway and go upstream to the "Grand Barrier" (beyond the 12m waterfall). This is a great sporting trip which needs at least 6 hours for the round trip. The Grand Barrier is a vast circular shaft with water pouring down it - very impressive - climbing the Grand Barrier (apparently there is a free climbable route) is the key to going further upstream.

Oh, and I don't think a wetsuit is necessary...




Active member
Glenn said:
Oh, and I don't think a wetsuit is necessary...

I'd agree, but would say that it makes your life much easier and makes the trip much quicker. There are metal via-ferrata-style aids a lot of the time, but it's quicker to be able to swim to the start of them rather than feeling for edges.
Cumbrian Neil said:
ULSA Rants describe this trip briefly - Trou des Anciens/Scialet du Brudour traverse.  Does anyone have anything on it?  I do have the Des Marshall book.
Mike also wrote a slightly fuller description in the Craven Pothole Club Record 96.


New member
If you've got a few days to spend in a single system, and enough bodies, try an exchange between some of the entrances to the Clos d'Aspres system (Silence, Blizzard, Brumes Matinales...........).
Robert Scott said:
Cumbrian Neil said:
ULSA Rants describe this trip briefly - Trou des Anciens/Scialet du Brudour traverse.  Does anyone have anything on it?  I do have the Des Marshall book.
Mike also wrote a slightly fuller description in the Craven Pothole Club Record 96.

Is this online anywhere?


Active member
damian said:
Glenn said:
Oh, and I don't think a wetsuit is necessary...

I'd agree, but would say that it makes your life much easier and makes the trip much quicker. There are metal via-ferrata-style aids a lot of the time, but it's quicker to be able to swim to the start of them rather than feeling for edges.

I'd agree that this is a classic must-do wetsuit trip. The via-ferrata style aids are also an absolute abmoniation - I'd recommend spitting on them as you swim past...
This is a "translation" of pg 19 of the pdf above for the Anciens Traverse - I did it using Google.  I should have stuck in at French, but didn't.  Anyone out there good at French?  Is this accurate?



Cette traversee est a la portee de tout speleologues a condition d'etre bien entraine techniquement, d'apprehender les conditions alpines du monde souterrain et surtout d'avoir une meteorologie stable et favorable. Il faut compter 8 a 15 heures pour une equipe de cinq personnes, rajouter une heure par equipier supplementaire. Il est imperatif de bien etudier le parcours et les obstacles. Le reseau est aquatique. Il comporte deux kilometres de riviere sur un parcours de quatre kilometres de galeries et 327 m (-220 m ; +107 m) de denivellation. Le developpement total actuel du reseau avoisi?ne les 11700 mitres.

This crossing is within reach of all cavers a condition be well trained technically, to apprehend the alpine conditions of the underground world and especially to have a stable and favorable meteorology. It takes 8 to 15 hours for a team of five, add one hour a Supplemental Crewmember. It is imperative to thoroughly research the courses and obstacles. The network is aquatic. It has two kilometers of river for a distance of four kilometers of tunnels and 327 m (-220 m, 107 m) in altitude. The current development of the network is around 11,700 meters.

Notre avis - Avec l'ouverture d'une entr?e sup?rieure, le r?seau Christian Gathier devient la plus belle traverse du massif du Vercors Par l'ampleur de son parcours, son histoire et les paysages qu'elle offre. La rivi?re, finement cupul?e, nous guide sur deux kilom?tres. M?me si cette travers?e ressemble par son aspect karstologique ? celle du Trou de l'Aygue (Sp?l?o 42), elle est quatre fois plus d?velopp?e... et par cons?quence plus grandiose, avec son actif et ses beaux volumes. Il est imp?ratif, nous pr?cisons bien imp?ratif, de respecter les consignes ext?rieures d'acc?s mais aussi l'aspect encore "vierge" de la cavit? si nous souhaitons garder le libre acc?s de cette course. Il ne faut pas n?gliger le caract?re engag? de cette randonn?e souterraine: certains passages s'ennoient, comme le passage Cl?.

Our opinion - With the opening of an upper entrance, the network becomes Christian Gathier most beautiful crosses the massif du Vercors by the magnitude of its course, history and landscapes that it offers. The river, finely cupul?e we guide two kilometers. Although this crossing is similar in appearance to that of karstology of Aygue Hole (Cave 42), it is four times more developed ... and therefore more imposing, with its assets and its vast space. It is imperative we make clear imperative to respect the instructions to access external appearance but also still "virgin" of the cavity if we want to keep open access to this race. Do not overlook the commitment of this hike subterranean passages s'ennoient as the key passage.

Pr?cautions d'usage - Les combinaisons N?opr?ne ou les pontonni?res sont vivement recommand?es. Nous avons une pr?f?rence pour ces derni?res que nous enfilons d?s la Gare de Triage. Restez vigilant par rapport au crues. Le r?seau se d?veloppe dans le karst superficiel et par cons?quenceles crues et d?crues sont tr?s rapides. Pour s'assurer, si le d?bit est raisonnable, il est conseill? de se rendre au porche de la grotte de Brudour et d'observer la rivi?re qui s'y ?panche! (qui ne correspond pas  ? la rivi?re de Montu? mais au r?seau de l'Appel, toutefois cela donne un bon indicateur). En cas de doute, il est conseill? de reconnaitre si le Passage Cl? ne siphonne pas. Compter alors deux ? trois heures l'aller retour. Depuis que la chati?re des Vizillois ? ?t? ?largie, il est plus facile et plus rapide de sortir par le scialet du Brudour (diff?rent de la grotte du Brudour), avant de ce rendre au trou des Anciens jeter la corde de 15 m?tres dans le P10 (une d?viation ? mettre). Le scialet du Toboggan, autrefois emprunter est plus ?troit et il faut plus de corde pour ?quiper l'entr?e. A la sortie des puits et ressauts ?quip?s en fixe, s'assurer imp?rativement de ne pas avoir remonter par inadvertance les cordes avec soi... (on embraque souvent le bout) . Maintenant tout est en place pour une bonne travers?e souterraine.

Precautions - The Neoprene or combinations pontonni?re are strongly recommended. We have a preference for the latter that we thread from the yard. Stay vigilant against the floods. The network is developing in the karst surface and cons?quenceles flooding and draining very fast. To ascertain whether the flow is reasonable, it is advisable to make the porch of the cave Brudour and watch the river that it pours! (which does not correspond to the river but Montu network of Appeal, however, it gives a good indicator). In case of doubt, it is advisable to recognize if the key passage does not siphoning. Counting then two to three hours round trip. Since the cat flap of Vizillois has been enlarged, it is easier and quicker to escape through the scialet of Brudour (different from the cave Brudour) before making it to the hole of the Anciens throw the rope of 15 meters in the P10 (a deflection to put). The scialet the slide, once borrowing is closer and we need more rope to outfit the entry. At the exit of pit and equipped with fixed projections, absolutely sure not to inadvertently be back with you the ropes ... (embraque is often the end). Now everything is in place for a good crossing underground.

Mat?riel - Vu l'int?r?t de cette travers?e, le Comit? d?partement de la Dr?me (CDS 26) a d?cid? et commenc? le r??quipement de la cavit?. Des amarrages en fixe et une vingtaine de chaine ont ?t? install?es courant 2004.

Pour les rappels la plus grande verticale est le P48 d'entr?e du trou des Anciens. Deux ou trois choix sont possibles. La premi?re option est de prendre une corde de 55 m?tres pour ?quiper en fixe le P48 et revenir ensuite le d?s?quiper.

La seconde est de descendre en trois rappel succ?sifs le puits des Jouisseusses (8m, 20m et 20m). Dans ce cas il faut prendre deux cordes de 25 m?tres + une de secours de 25m.

La troisi?me est de descendre en deux rappels (8 et 40m) ce qui impose d'emmener 80m de corde. Il est conseill? d'emporter de quoi r?nover les ?quipements ? demeure (cordes ? couper, maillons rapides) par prudence.

Equipment - given the interest of this passage, the Committee department of Dr?me (26 CDS) decided and began re-equipping of the cavity. The moorings in fixed and twenty chains were installed in 2004.

To recall the largest vertical is the P48 entrance hole of the Ancients. Two or three choices are possible. The first option is to take a rope of 55 meters to equip sets the P48 return and then put it down.

The second is to get three in successive recall the well of Jouisseusses (8m, 20m and 20m). In this case we must take two ropes 25 m + a spare 25m.

The third is to fall two points (8 and 40m) which requires to take 80m of rope. It is advisable to carry enough equipment to renovate the house (to cut ropes, quick links) by caution.

Acc?s au Scialet du Brudour et au Trou des Anciens - Semunir de la carte IGN3136 ET et rep?rer le point cot? 1272 m, sur la route de Font-d'Urle ? lente, ? mi-chemin entre les carrefours du Brudour Nord et Brudour Sud. A partir du foyer de ski de fond de Chaud Clapier, en direction de Lente, passer le depart de la piste foresti?re du Montu?, puis le t?leski de la Combe, faire encore 400 m?tres. Au bout de la ligne droite passer un virage prononc? ? droite, puis ? gauche. Se garer peu apr?s sur un chargeoir ? bois c?t? gauche. Pas de navette voiture, l'acc?s au trous des anciens et au scialet du brudour se fait par ce point. Il est interdit de prendre la piste foresti?re du Montu? en voiture, merci de respecter cette consigne pour garantir le libre acc?s ? la travers?e.

Pour se rendre au Scialet du brudour emprunter une sente, ? gauche de la route en contre bas et descendre dans la combe. On passe devant le scialet du Toboggan (entr?e modeste de 0.5m / 0.7m) qui s'ouvre sur le flanc gauche. Continuer sur 80 m?tres ? la m?me courbe de niveau et le scialet du Brudour s'ouvre ? vous.

Pour se rendre au trou des Anciens, rejoinder le bas du t?l?ski du Cairn. Remonter dans son axe. Quand on rejoint la piste du montu?, prendre ? droite et ? la cote 1419 m?tres rep?rer un mirador dans une pelouse. Prendre le sentier qui passe devant le mirador et rejoindre la deuxi?me pelouse. A l'or?e du bois, un sentier part ? gauche dans la combe. Le scialet des Anciens se trouve sur le  bord gauche de celle-ci ?c?t? d'un gros tas de pierre. Une ?chelle en fixe permet de descendre le premier ressaut de trois m?tres. Compter 35 ? 45 minutes de marche depuis la voiture.

Access Scialet of Brudour and Hole of the Anciens - semun card IGN3136 ET and identify the next point 1272 m, on the road to Font-d'Urle to slow, halfway between the intersections of Brudour North and South Brudour . From the home-country skiing in Hot Clapier, direction Lente, pass the departure runway Forest Montu, and the ski lift of La Combe, do another 400 meters. At the end of the straight line passing a sharp turn right and then left. Park shortly after a chargeoir wood left. No shuttle car, access holes and Veterans scialet of brudour is by this point. It is forbidden to take the forest trail of Montu in the car, thank you for respecting this order to ensure free access to the crossing.

To get to Scialet of brudour borrow a path to the left of the road against bottom and down the valley. It passes the scialet Waterslide (input modest 0.5m / 0.7m) which opens on the left flank. Continue on 80 meters at the same contour and scialet of Brudour open to you.

To get to the hole of the Ancients rejoinder lower ski lift Cairn. Back in its axis. When we joined the trail of Montu, turn right and rating 1419 meters identify a viewpoint in a lawn. Take the path that passes the guard tower and reach the second pitch. At the edge of the woods, a trail goes left in the valley. The Anciens scialet is on the left edge thereof Plot close to a big pile of stone. A fixed ladder can get the first projection of three meters. Count 35 to 45 minutes walk from the car.

Description succincte - Depuis l'entr?e du trou des Anciens, descendre deux petits ressauts et franchir un boyau d?sobstru? qui m?ne au sommet du puits des Jouisseuses de 48 m?tres ?quip? de chaines ? son sommet, ? -8 met -28m. On descend dans une tr?mie, sur la gauche en regardant la corde. On passe au-dessus d'un P7 avant de trouver une galerie puis un R5 qui rejoint le m?andre de la Gentille F?e que l'on suit sur une centaine de m?tres jusqu'? un R3 remontant. Nous sommes maintenant dans la belle galerie P?re et Fils. Nous l'a parcourons sur 200 m?tres jusqu'? carrefour ? trois d?parts. Il faut prendre le m?andre en contre bas, ? gauche (cairn). Nous arrivons dans un petit m?andre, suivi d'une longue main courante ?quip?e, descendante puis horizontale avant de d?boucher sur le puits de l'Orgasme de 20 m (rappel) le puits de la Montre en Or de 16m (rappel), un P6 (rappel) et un R3 avec une main courante install?e en fixe. Nous sommes ? -162 m?tres dans la galerie du Bostrich Masqu? qui marque le point de la jonction, du 8 septembre 2001 ? 17 heurs, tant esp?r?e et attendue...

La conduite force m?ne ? la Gare de Triage par une banquette ? droite en hauteur. Vestiaire parfait pour s'?quiper de pontonni?re et se restaurer avant la rivi?re de Montu?. On suit l'actif jusqu'? une cascade de 7 m (rappel) puis une main courante remontante o? nous quittons celle-ci jusqu'? un R3 o? l'?quipement est facultatif qui premet de la rejoindre jusqu'? un siphon translucide. 50 m?tres avant ce verrou aquatique, emprunter un amont fossile en rive droite. On trouve ensuite une E9 ?quip? (lucarne) et nous reprenons notre progression vers l'aval par un P10 (rappel) une C4 (rappel) une C5 (rappel) une E4 ?quip?e, une C3 (rappel) puis une E2 en rive droite qui donne acc?s ? la galerie des Topographes et ? la cascade du lancer de Corde de 7m (rappel) puis une nouvelle E9 ?quip?e. On descend ensuite une C2 (rappel) une C3 (rappel) avant deux franchir deux mains courantes ?quip?es et une C7 (rappel) qui marque la fin de la rivi?re et le d?but de la galerie Vestiaire. Nous passons ? cot? de la cascadde de 30m avant de descendre un P5 ?quip?, un R3 et le P22 (rappel) qui debouche dans la salle Diaclase et une MC descendante qui rejoint l'actif. Deux possibilit? s'offrent ? nous, par le fossile grace ? une MC sportive et a?rienne en rive gauche, et un 1'22 (rappel) ou par l'actif par deux cascades de 4 et 5 m (rappel au bout de la MC a?rienne) suivie d'une galerie et un P10. Nous arrivons alors dans la sale de la Cascade. Pour ceux qui ont l'option N?opr?ne, la quitter pour les autres, rouler le haut de la pontonni?re. Nous grimpons dans les blocs pour trouver une E7 (?quip?e), un laminoir, et d'arriver dans la Galerie G?ante. Suivre sa paroi droite o? l'on retrouve la rivi?re, une petite escalade de deux m?tres, des conduits aux sections r?duites, puis des ?troitures avant de remonter dans une tr?mie et ressortir dans la sale des T?n?bres (120 x 50 x 40m) que l'on traverse en suivant la paroi de droite pour rejoindre une galerie avant le Passage Cl? qui est un r?seau de galleries basses et d' ?troitures avant de descendre dans un bassin d'eau (mi-cuisse ? l'?tiage) qui n'est autre que le siphon de la Rivi?re de Bournette.

Short description - From the entrance hole of the Ancients, down two small projections and cross unclog a hose that leads to the top of the well enjoyments of 48 meters equipped with chains at the top, to -8 is-28m. It descends into a hopper on the left looking at the rope. It passes over a P7 before finding a gallery and an R5 which joined the bend in the gentle fairy that you follow a few hundred meters up to a R3. We are now in the beautiful gallery Father and Son. We had to traverse 200 meters to intersection with three starts. Take the cons meander in the lower left (cairn). We arrived in a small bend, followed by long handrails fitted, then horizontal down before leading to the well of the Orgasm of 20 m (recall) the well of the gold watch of 16m (booster), a P6 (recall) and R3 with a handrail installed fixes. We are -162 m in the gallery Bostrich Hidden marking the junction of 8 September 2001 to 17 hours, as hoped and expected ...

The driving force leading to the yard by a bench right height. Cloakroom perfect pontonni?re to equip themselves and restore the river before Montu. We follow the asset to a cascade of 7 m (recall) and a handrail up where we leave it up to R3 where the equipment is optional premet to join up a siphon translucent. 50 meters before the lock aquatic borrow a fossil upstream right bank. Then come equipped with an E9 (skylight) and we resume our progress downstream by a P10 (recall) a C4 (recall) a C5 (recall) equipped with an E4, a C3 (recall) then E2 right bank which provides access to the Hall of topography and the cascade throw rope 7m (recall) and a new E9 equipped. It then descends a C2 (recall) a C3 (recall) for two cross two handrails fitted and C7 (booster) that marks the end of the river and the start of the gallery Cloakroom. We turn next to the cascadde 30m before descending a P5 team, R3 and P22 (booster) that opens into the hall TM joints and a descendant who joined the asset. Two opportunities available to us by the fossil thanks to MC sports and air on the left bank, and 1'22 (recall) or assets by two cascades of 4 and 5 m (recall the end of the MC air) followed by a gallery and a P10. We then arrive in the sale of Cascade. For those who have the option Neoprene, leave for other, roll the top of pontonni?re. We climb into the blocks to find a E7 (equipped), a mill, and arrive in the gallery Giant. Follow the right wall where you find the river, a small climbing two meters, ducts with reduced sections, then squeezes before getting into a hopper and out in the sale of Darkness (120 x 50 x 40m) that the 'is crossed along the right wall to reach a gallery before Passage Key is a network of galleries and low of squeezes before descending into a basin of water (mid-thigh to the low water) that is other than drain the River Bournet.

Du  sciaiet du Brudour au Passage Cl? - Il nous est pr?f?rable de vous d?crire la suite non pas comme la progression lin?aire de la travers?e mais plut?t comme si vous envisagiez d'effectuer une reconnaissance jusqu'au Passage Cl?, histoire d'?tre certain que cela passe!

L'entr?e du scialet du Brudour est un puits de 10 m?tres. Rapidement la chati?re dite des Vizillois permet d'atteindre le point de rencontre avec le scialet du Toboggan. Celle-ci est sinueuse et basse. Nous arrivons ensuite sur un r?tr?cissement o? il faut slalomer entre les concretions pour acc?der ? un P5 (?quip?) plac? au-dessus d'un bassin d'eau. Pour l'?viter, il faut revenir sur nos pas de quelques m?tres et grimper quatre m?tres en opposition. Apr?s quelques passages bas, on d?sescalade, ? l'oppos? du P5 (r?seau ? Nino). Plus loin, un P7 permet d'acc?der au Premier M?tro. Apr?s 100 m?tres, dans une salle, nous prenons ? gauche un passage bas donnant sur le Second M?tro, qui est suivi d'une galerie fossile concr?tionn?e.

Par un P10 (?quip?), on rejoint la rivi?re de Bournette que nous suivons vers l'aval. Apr?s un secteur o? la galerie est chaotique, on arrive sur un plan d'eau siphonnant: le Passage Cl? se situe audessus et ? droite (courant d'air).

La reconnaissance est termin?e.

From sciaiet of Brudour to Passage Key - It is preferable to describe the result not as a linear progression of the crossing, but rather as if you are planning to conduct a reconnaissance to Passage Key, history to be certain that Password!

The entrance scialet of Brudour is a well of 10 meters. Soon the cat flap so-called Vizillois can reach the meeting point with the scialet Waterslide. It is winding and low. We come then to a shrink when you have to slalom between the concretions to access a P5 (equipped) placed above a basin of water. To avoid this, we must retrace our steps a few feet and climb twelve feet in opposition. After a few passages below, we de-escalation, as opposed to the P5 (network Nino). Further, a P7 provides access to the First Subway. After 100 meters, in a room, we turn left down a passage giving the Second Subway, which is followed by a gallery fossil concretions.

By P10 (equipped), you reach the river Bournet we follow downstream. After an area where the gallery is chaotic, it reaches a water siphoning: Passage Key is located above it and right (draft).