• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

    The latest issue is finally complete and printed

    Subscribers should have received their issue in the post - please let us know if you haven't. For everyone else, the online version is now available for free download:

    Click here for download link

videoing from a mobile



You will need a bright light. You can use the night mode, but the colour contrast isn't great, and the picture is worse. Even with good lighting ,the quality of Nokia videos isn't great as although it may be a 1.3 million pixel camera for example, the video is in lower resolution (at least on my phone). Also don't move the camera too quickly, as the video will be jerky.

By the way I haven't tested my camera in a cave, just in similar dark and hostile venues: the inside of nightclubs!


Here is a link to a short film I took on a Sony Ericsson K750i 2MP camera phone with no special light - 320x240 resolution, 25fps. Not great, but watchable.

BTW, you'll need Apple Quicktime to see the video


New member
VLC will probably play it too (without having downloaded it, not a member @ DP). It's probably 3gp format.
