"Voice tube" for communication


Has anyone here ever used a "voice tube" for communication in a dig?

I was down an abandoned dig in FoD last night and assumed that the hoover pipe running through was for removing bad air, but it seemed pretty fresh, so I wondered if it might have been for communication.

Yet to get a definite answer on this one, but apparently they used a voice tube in another dig nearby, so it's very likely.

I've never seen one used elsewhere and never thought of it before now, but it seems a great idea.

Has anyone else used one and was it worth the effort of installing it?


Well-known member
Somewhere in the past I've read something about one being used to communicate through a short sump but I can't remember where it was written.


Active member
Have been using a ventilation tube also as Voice tube in an 40m long dig in France to communicate with people outside

Other clubmembers used a voice tube through a sump when free diving it to know of the previous person passed the sump so the next person could follow.

At 2:26 in the following clip you can hear the voice tube in action

Wuinant - voice tube


Other clubmembers used a voice tube through a sump when free diving it to know of the previous person passed the sump so the next person could follow.

At 2:26 in the following clip you can hear the voice tube in action
An unusual technique, free-diving with helmet in hand, not on head! Do you know the reason for this?
I prefer my helmet to protect my head and my hands to guide me...


Active member
An unusual technique, free-diving with helmet in hand, not on head! Do you know the reason for this?
I prefer my helmet to protect my head and my hands to guide me...

I'm not sure why. But probably just to avoid to become hang up with the straps or edge of the helmet to an outcrop of the ceiling. That's the reason why I also do it in other low sumps/ducks