We''ve been in a similar situation Dave.right thing to re-group, rather than sacrifice a team member. time for Larry Mitch & all to come in from below again perhaps.sure we'll hear something soon! I'm going to be out of action for a couple of months, but after that?? we'll see. merry christmas all! O.(poorly) G.We had a very sporting evening last night.
The ab in and route down was clear and great fun.
The first squeeze took a lot of digging out but was passable eventually.
However the chamber immediately beyond was impassable and 2nd squeeze barely visible with the 100mm of water rushing through and 50mm air gap. We judged an impossible dig out at that time without better kit. We had to reverse the descent and ascend the abseil shaft.
The chamber was full of mud, gravel and silt as far as we could see, not just at the 2nd squeeze. I assume flood water had washed everything down into the chamber from above. Everything at the stream level was tighter than our last trip through even before the squeezes.
We were a team of 6, we went in at 6pm, reached the squeeze by 7.30, back to Gentlewoman's shaft by 9.30. However by the time all 6 of us were out it was 1130!
One to remember certainly.
This wasn't the site of the Peak CC dig which reopened this trip in 2022, that was further downstream. I'd imagine the squeeze area will be passable with a bit of the usual scraping once the weather settles down. The club has a plan to do some safety work in there so we may take a look when we do that.We''ve been in a similar situation Dave.right thing to re-group, rather than sacrifice a team member. time for Larry Mitch & all to come in from below again perhaps.sure we'll hear something soon! I'm going to be out of action for a couple of months, but after that?? we'll see. merry christmas all! O.(poorly) G.
There's some large solution cavities in the roof, clearly phreatic, near the base of Gentlewomans Shaft.It is a lovely climb out on a Pantin though
Did you get chance to look at all the natural chambers around the shaft base whilst you were waiting? Very interesting! The left-hand squeezy bit as you come out of the shaft (heading away from the main route) leads to a sandy chamber with loads of old graffiti on the wall, I think mostly from ancient explorers rather than miners, but some may be the real deal. Loads of sediment banks everywhere, and all phreatic as far as I could tell. It must go further.
Hi Larry, having re-opened and subsequently cleared the squeezes several times, taking material downhill (access day shaft?) would be easier than dragging up stream to simply rejoin you in the squeeze for lack of space to store/ pack 'stuff' as a thought. wouldn't try to teach you to suck eggs, just a view,keep well and have a good Christmas. xx Ric'.This wasn't the site of the Peak CC dig which reopened this trip in 2022, that was further downstream. I'd imagine the squeeze area will be passable with a bit of the usual scraping once the weather settles down. The club has a plan to do some safety work in there so we may take a look when we do that.
There's some large solution cavities in the roof, clearly phreatic, near the base of Gentlewomans Shaft.