• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition

white water in GB

Peter Burgess

New member

Had a brilliant trip in GB on Saturday. After so much rain, there was not really much choice for a trip, apart from stuff in Burrington.

It was fantastic to see the place active, after so many 'dry' visits over the years. We had been planning to go to Ladder Dig but this was clearly off, with the water in the bottom of the cave backed up.

Despite this, the cave was superb.

Thanks to the folks at MCG where we collected the key. It's nice to be welcomed and offered teas/coffees all round before we set off.

Anyone else enjoy the wet weather this weekend?
Peter Burgess said:

Thanks to the folks at MCG where we collected the key. It's nice to be welcomed and offered teas/coffees all round before we set off.

It is a well known fact that the MCG brew splendid tea!
We too had a quick trip down GB on Saturday, and i think alot of people had the same ideal.

It was orginised for my mate as he was flying back to Afghanistan for another 4 month tour of duty on the Monday, what a contrast :roll:

Stupot said:
It was orginised for my mate as he was flying back to Afghanistan for another 4 month tour of duty on the Monday, what a contrast :roll:

They must have searched caves out there for Osama.
But I've not come across any surveys from them yet! :?

Maybe it's time for a "we'll check out these caves for you, Major" type trip.
Free transport (it you don't mind sharing a plane with squaddies), Army supplied gear, etc. Sounds pretty good, apart from the remote chance of surveying round a corner and suddenly finding yourself in his hideout!

Now who do I speak to :?: :D
I'm sure a 'Cave Combat' manual exists someplace! Along with 'Basic battlefield Skills'. I wonder if an L85 affects inclinometer readings when taped on the side? Watchout for the big freaky animals that bite that live in these places!
Jrat offered him a book on the caves of Afghanistan, but he turned his nose upto it as he reakons the systems over there are full of snakes and unexploded ordance :shock:

Les W said:
It is a well known fact that the MCG brew splendid tea!

Off-topic, but:

Now we've got ourselves a name for brewing tea
And I must admit we do it liberally
But while we're tipplin' tannin
The scheme that we are plannin'
Is to go back to the BEC f'coffee...

Oh, the BEC the Wessex and the Shepton
Can crawl up their amalgamated rectum

The song was written by Mendip Caving Group members Pete Goddard, Pat Walsh and Simon Knight in response to another song that had suggested the Mendip clubs should amalgamate but left out the MCG
All rather jolly. But, is it me?

What's the reason behind some of the Mendip clubs having songs? Cheddar CC have conversations and go caving whereas other clubs seem to sing to each other and go caving (and perhaps even sing while caving). Is this something to do with folk music? Does it scare off young people? What's going on?....