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Stumbled across this little gem.


Well-known member
Sorry, but I think this crosses a line.

Healthy debate about contentious issues, differences of opinion, and distaste for others points of view are one thing. But the content of this website and the parallels it draws to recent scenarios and individuals are just outright offensive and far beyond the line of what is appropriate. I urge the moderators to remove this link and to dissociate UK Caving from the content.

Whoever put this website together should be ashamed. It is bullying, pure and simple.


Cavematt said:
Sorry, but I think this crosses a line.

Healthy debate about contentious issues, differences of opinion, and distaste for others points of view are one thing. But the content of this website and the parallels it draws to recent scenarios and individuals are just outright offensive and far beyond the line of what is appropriate. I urge the moderators to remove this link and to dissociate UK Caving from the content.

Whoever put this website together should be ashamed. It is bullying, pure and simple.

The use of humour, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary politics and other topical issues.
"the crude satire seems to be directed at the fashionable protest singers of the time"
Synonyms: mockery, ridicule, derision, scorn, caricature


New member
Cavematt said:
...are just outright offensive and far beyond the line of what is appropriate. I urge...

I urge you never to come on a trip with us... if you think that's offensive, you're in for a hell of a shock - We don't even drink tea with our pinkies out!


Well-known member
Not offensive to me personally. Call it a bit of fun, satire, humour, whatever you want ali-mac. But I think that going to considerable effort to set up a website (and to then advertise it on a public forum) with the clear sole intention of ridiculing specific individuals within our caving community and having a laugh at their expense, crosses the line from humour to bullying. I may be the only person on here to think so, but I'm entitled to that view.


Well-known member
I am not taking sides but it may possibly be considered over the top.
But an outsider looking in would probably describe us as "potholers" and think that all of our admin and politics are OTT

To take the argument a bit further, this may well be the target of the satire, rather than specific individuals.


New member
Cavematt said:
...But I think that going to considerable effort to set up a website (and to then advertise it on a public forum)...

Let me make it crystal clear for you.
  • I am not "advertising" this, I'm sharing something I stumbled across it, thought it's satirical take on caving politics was brilliant, and that others on here would find similar humour in it.
  • I am not a member of the CBC - we're North Wales, not Cornwall, despite striking similarities with access issues.
  • As far as I know, CBC have not publicised this site in any way, let alone on here.
FWIW, I suspect I'm one of those in the firing line in one of the stories for my recent thread concerning BCA legal officer. It's still bloody funny.


Staff member
[gmod]There have been two reports asking us to remove the OP and link. This has been discussed by the moderators.
I do understand that some people find the parody site distasteful but others clearly find it amusing so it places us in a difficult position. We are not responsible for the site and it has nothing to do with us. We also note that the site is linked to all over the main caving facebook pages (but not UKcaving's page I should add). Under the circumstances we see no reason to remove the link from this forum. However, we will moderate on any comments made which breach the rules of this forum. Thank you. [/gmod]


Well-known member
Come on people. Having taken a look at the site I found it a prime example of near the knuckle satire aimed at cavers. It had obviously hit some nerves which is what satire should do.

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
Hooray a bit of a laugh amongst all of the boring caving political drudgery we have on here. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:  One should never ever take oneself too seriously.


Active member
:LOL: :beer: I've always been a fan of CBC stuff but that is the best yet.  :clap:
Loved the draenan article.  (y)

cap n chris

Well-known member
The Old Ruminator said:
Hooray a bit of a laugh amongst all of the boring caving political drudgery we have on here. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:  One should never ever take oneself too seriously.

Cease fretting, TOR; I've never taken you seriously.

David Rose

Active member
Anyone who thinks this is bullying really does need to take a long look in the mirror. And then see a psychiatrist.