Global Wezzit


Well-known member
Politics is even more boring than lockdown, so how about this? It has to be known to at least more people than you and your best friend, so not some random Picos hole, lovely as it no doubt was.



  • FAD48ED5-DE89-49FD-9D18-889AB93187DC.jpeg
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Well-known member
Fjell said:

Well, technically your photo is of the entrance to the Gouffre L?pineux, one of the several entrances into the R?seau de La Pierre Saint-Martin. I can also confirm that it ain't the T?te Sauvage, one of the other entrances. Personally, I've never seen the other entrances, so couldn't say whether it's the PSM or not.


Well-known member
Sorry, I was merely illustrating it wasn?t the PSM.

I want to go on holiday this year.

It wasn?t meant to be hard. It is notorious for avalanches on the approach.



Well-known member
It looks like the entrance to the Lepineux shaft to me (so I'm with Langcliffe on this one). That double plaque is fairly distinctive.


Well-known member
Yes it?s the PSM, no it?s not the first one.

The first one is deeper than the PSM, and you still get to eat croissants after. Help me out here.

And I was originally thinking it would surely be possible to go there this summer for a jamboree, but I?m getting worried now.