• The next BCA Council meeting will be held on the 29th October at 7pm via Zoom.

    For details on how to join and for the Agenda, please click the link

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Agenda for June CNCC Committee meeting


Well-known member
**** CNCC Committee Meeting 22nd June, Clapham Village Hall, 9:30am ****

The agenda for this meeting has just been posted on our website, and includes the following items in addition to the usual housekeeping:

(1) An update on the York University Cave and Pothole Club training facility situation.

(2) Constitution: The last major review of our constitution was nearly 10 years ago. Since then various amendments have been made to individual sections, but several areas are perhaps a little out of date, and would look very different if written from scratch today. A complete constitutional review every 10 years is not unreasonable for an organisation. We will be asking for thoughts on whether this is needed (and if so, identifying volunteers).

(3) Finances: You will have seen in a separate UKCaving thread a discussion on BCA finances, and how their cash reserves are not as high as they once were. The CNCC was the largest spending regional council last year, with our annual claim increasing from £4230 in 2022 to £8691 in 2023 (nearly £1.50 per BCA member), partly due to the expansion of our subsidised training workshop program, but also various new-to-caving and promoting caving initiatives, website costs and conservation projects. Unfortunately, we did not pre-notify the BCA of this anticipated increase, which contravened their funding rules. How can we control our spending better to enable greater compliance with BCA rules? Do we need to search for alternative sources of funding to enable greater flexibility in our work?


Our Committee meetings are open to all, you can attend in person with no prior notice (we are usually done by midday). Our meetings are friendly, welcoming and although voting is for Committee only (our 14x clubs and Individual Caver rep), we always welcome input, ideas, suggestions and questions from anyone. If you would like to attend online via Zoom, email our Secretary closer to the time for joining details.


Well-known member
The Officer reports for our June meeting are now on our website and make for interesting reading:

We welcome anyone to come along, just turn up at Clapham Village Hall in plenty of time for a 9:30am prompt start. If you have never been to one of our meetings before, just turn up, say hello to people, grab yourself a tea/coffee and take a seat.

We recommend bringing a printed copy of the agenda and reports, or a smartphone/tablet to allow you to view them online.

Although this is a Committee meeting, we welcome input from anyone, whether a Committee representative or not. However, to help keep the meeting running smoothly, if there is anything specific you would like to raise that isn't on the agenda, please try to let our Secretary know before the meeting. Alternatively, if you are just interested to see what happens or to put some faces to names, you are welcome to just spectate.

We are usually done around 11:30, so plenty of time to go caving afterwards :)


Well-known member
Just a final reminder of our meeting tomorrow, 9:30am Clapham Village Hall. All welcome.

If you'd like to attend by Zoom, please email our Secretary (secretary@cncc.org.uk) as soon as possible today.