Bad air / pollution / bad bolts / etc


This topic only for updates on current alerts. Keep all discussion regarding any particular alert to seperate topics please.


CNCC has been informed that there is a "very" loose anchor on Elizabeth pitch in King Pot. None of the anchors in King are ECO anchors, so it is not covered by the BCA/CNCC anchor scheme.

Take care!




New member
I was down Tathem Wife and Rowten recently and in both pots several of the lower pitches had bolts that where certainly borderline; movement of 2mm+. One of the bolts at the head of the ramp pitch in Tathem could be pulled out a little!! There is a 8mm spit near it thats still got some thread on it so at least it can be backed up...

CNCC have been informed...


Well-known member
GT said:
One of the bolts at the head of the ramp pitch in Tathem could be pulled out a little!! There is a 8mm spit near it thats still got some thread on it so at least it can be backed up...

I didn't know that there was an ecobolt at the head of the ramp in Tatty - I always use the chockstone as a belay. We did notice last week one bolt that was loose at the head of one pitch (the third, I believe), but we deemed it safe enough pro tem.

It tends to take longer to remove a "duff" bolt than it does to insert one from scratch.


GT said:
CNCC have been informed...

Who within CNCC did you inform?

We are aware of "loose" anchors on the traverse to the final pitch in Rowten and they were tested to 10Kn in summer 2009 and were deemed OK - that is, even though they appear "loose" they would not come out at 10Kn.



New member
One of the bolts at the top of the second pitch in Diccan is rather further out than it should be, and wobbles a little. As of 30Aug.


Well-known member
The third bolt on the last pitch in Little Hull Pot has disappeared, along with half the wall. You may recall that this used to be a deviation bolt before a final rebelay.

The rebelay bolt can now be as a deviation using the top two bolts for a Y-hang, but some rope protection is now required at the top of the pitch.

CNCC have been informed.


I'm not sure if it's been mentioned elsewhere, but the deviation krabs on the Grand Cascade in Cigalere streamway now seem to be totally rusted shut.



I have received a report that someone has placed resin bonded anchors on this route and that the resin used has not cured correctly, please be aware that these anchors are probably going to fail.

These anchors have not been installed as part of the BCA/CNCC scheme and are probably dangerous.


All of the bolts were removed this afternoon from BT route, apart from one which remains at the top of the 1st pitch in BT route - although the resin appears to have set correctly for this bolt and the anchor appears solid, it would be prudent to assume potentially unsafe and rig off the spits, which are all in good condition at the moment. Care is still required at the top of the second pitch where the rigging is currently not ideal.



Lancaster Hole - anchor failure; CNCC has received a report of an anchor failure on the climb down through the boulders between Crap Trap and the old iron ladder pitch in Fall Pot Easegill. The climb down has some Lyon glue in anchors (these are NOT CNCC installed anchors) with rope attached. Cavers undertaking traverse of Easegill are advised to either descend Crap Trap to the Main Drain or pull through from the old ladder pitch.


Well-known member
Just for clarification as I am not sure where you mean, I was there Saturday doing the traverse and did not notice anything untoward. Do you mean the hand line climb you go down just before the drop off into fall pot? Or is this somewhere along the high level route? As you suggest descending crap trap I assume you mean this climb?

If this is the issue you could always go the longer other way that don't require any SRT i.e. along to double helix? climbs (its double something)


Active member
Alex, yes it was on the handline climb - the usual route to the bottom of Fall Pot from Lancaster Hole. The Crap Trap is the SRT route down to the Main Drain that starts of the left hand side of this climb as you face towards Fall Pot.

I believe (although this may well be incorrect) that it was one of the two anchors at the the bottom of the climb and the bolt was simply pulled out by hand and was not shock loaded.

For the alternative route, you meen Wilf Taylors passage?


Well-known member
Cheers Glenn - I'm sure I'll be able to work out how to rig it - it's just useful to know whether it's got rings to clip to.


Well-known member
For the alternative route, you meen Wilf Taylors passage?

Not sure on the passage name, it is not named on the survey I am looking at. However the climbs I referred to are called collectively Double Decker Pot. I am not referring to Bill Taylors passage (If that is what you meant).