Caving Video Clips thread

Caver Keith

Well-known member
Some caves are tight, some caves are wet, and some caves are tight and wet. These are the really fun ones.
Shakespeare's Cave is in Cwm Pwca, which translates as Valley of the Goblin, which is downstream of Devil's Bridge in the Clydach Gorge, South Wales.
A stream resurges from the cave which offers a sporting trip involving a thorough soaking even in summer.
The cavers in the video are all members of Dudley Caving Club and/or South Wales Caving Club.


Active member
dcrtuk said:
Some caves are tight, some caves are wet, and some caves are tight and wet. These are the really fun ones.
Shakespeare's Cave is in Cwm Pwca, which translates as Valley of the Goblin, which is downstream of Devil's Bridge in the Clydach Gorge, South Wales.
A stream resurges from the cave which offers a sporting trip involving a thorough soaking even in summer.
The cavers in the video are all members of Dudley Caving Club and/or South Wales Caving Club.

What a fantastic video!



Active member
dcrtuk said:
Some caves are tight, some caves are wet, and some caves are tight and wet. These are the really fun ones.
Shakespeare's Cave is in Cwm Pwca, which translates as Valley of the Goblin, which is downstream of Devil's Bridge in the Clydach Gorge, South Wales.
A stream resurges from the cave which offers a sporting trip involving a thorough soaking even in summer.
The cavers in the video are all members of Dudley Caving Club and/or South Wales Caving Club.

I really loved this movie about tight and wet caves. In Belgium there is also an even more extreme wet, muddy and tight cave : The Bretaye System

A short film can be seen here

Cave film trailer van: DE EXPLORATIE, DE WEG VAN HET WATER, EILAND VOL MYSTERIES  (from 1:59 - 5:05)

And a photo gallery about the same cave

Last July 3 Britisch cavers did this through trip  :clap: :clap: :clap:

Hope you enjoy this part of the clip.


BTW this cave can only be visited during stable summer weather (june - september)

Caver Keith

Well-known member
Thanks for posting this video. This does look like extreme caving! Some really good shots - I know how difficult it is to video in these situations.

Caver Keith

Well-known member

Caver Keith

Well-known member
It's that time of year again when the Dudley Caving Club Film Unit members get together and sit around a bottomless teapot, eat warm mince pies, look back over the caving year and exchange reminisces.  For the last 2 years this has resulted in codging together a caving highlights video. This year will be no exception (sorry) and much codging together of video clips is happening. The aim is to have the video completed by Christmas so that our many fans can share our underground adventures with us over the Christmas festivities. We actually do these videos as a service to the caving community. Remember our tag line is "We do these caves so that you don't have to."  So why not stay at home, keep warm and dry and let us do your caving for you?

Below is a link to a mercifully short preview, but you can always save the 1 minute 11 seconds of your life you will never get back by not clicking on the link.


Staff member
Looking forward to seeing the whole video - indeed given me an idea for a prize.....  :idea:

Caver Keith

Well-known member
Pegasus said:
Looking forward to seeing the whole video - indeed given me an idea for a prize.....  :idea:
Hope it doesn't disappoint.
A prize!!! We will have to stoke up the computer and collect up all of the bits of digital video off the cutting room floor and start glueing them together, and hope we haven't lost any pixels under the carpets and rugs, and that will be the easy bit. The Dudley thespians are such a load of luvvies. They will argue about who is the star of the show and if we've captured their best side. The life of a caving videographer isn't easy. Then there's the critics. It's enough to drive a chap to drink. Mmmm Beer. Is there anything it can't do?

Mark Wright

Well-known member
The video posted by Gibbonda is very interesting.

I thought the idea of the red barrier tape placed in front of the beautiful flowstone cascades in Swildons was to try and stop cavers from touching them???

Maybe some education is required on Mendip to ensure our caves are protected better into the future.

It would be better if videos posted on ukCaving showed best practice rather than poor conservation practice as detailed 50 seconds into the video.



Staff member
dcrtuk said:
Pegasus said:
Looking forward to seeing the whole video - indeed given me an idea for a prize.....  :idea:
Hope it doesn't disappoint.
A prize!!! We will have to stoke up the computer and collect up all of the bits of digital video off the cutting room floor and start glueing them together, and hope we haven't lost any pixels under the carpets and rugs, and that will be the easy bit. The Dudley thespians are such a load of luvvies. They will argue about who is the star of the show and if we've captured their best side. The life of a caving videographer isn't easy. Then there's the critics. It's enough to drive a chap to drink. Mmmm Beer. Is there anything it can't do?

...funny you should mention 'prize' and 'beer' - watch the forum, news coming very soon  ;)

Caver Keith

Well-known member
After many hours sweating over a hot computer the final version of the video was shown to an enraptured audience at last night's meeting of Dudley Caving Club, and as no one took a swing at me, I'm assuming it is safe for general release - unlike a recent offering from Sony!
Discover how to climb in perfect safety using the latest invention from the Dudley CC tech. team and see our top tip for getting larger team members through tight squeezes.
PS. I might have exaggerated a little bit when I said that the audience was enraptured.


Staff member
:clap: Absolutely brilliant!  :clap:

Watched it all and even spotted Badlad!!

Congratulations to all involved  (y)