February proved to be quite a month in Caver Keith World. I was featured in an article in the Birmingham Mail, I was interviewed on local radio, had a video featured on LABBible and almost 5 seconds worth of clips from my videos were shown on The One Show. Oh, and the icing on the cake was my YouTube channel clocked up its 3 millionth caving video view!
All of this has led to a small amount of fame, a slight increase in video views and loads more comments on YouTube and Facebook asking for tips, what cameras I own, what lighting I use, camera mounts and such like.
Meanwhile video seems to very much a minority interest on UK Caving and also the number of entrants in the Hidden Earth video salon last year was disappointingly low. I can't help but wonder why this is as dozens of caving videos are uploaded to Facebook every day. As a forum UKC is ideally positioned for videographers and budding videographers to exchange tips and critically review each others work. Would anyone be interested in forming a video workshop/video tips/video review/equipment/top tips thread?
I have been thinking of perhaps offering to do a video talk at Hidden Earth this year but at the moment I'm struggling to find anything worthwhile to say. I'm hoping that if this thread gets off the ground then it will be a source of inspiration for me, will encourage more people to record their underground adventures at 30 frames per second and increase the number of entries in the Hidden Earth video salon.