Dalesbridge Competition


New member
GUPA - as we said we would adopt them.

Glasgow University Potholing Association - note added by Pegasus)


Staff member
Hi And - who are GUPA please? 

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to enter the Dalesbridge competition - a fab response so far  (y) ;)

This is an opportunity for you to help a group/club of your fellow cavers out with some free kit worth a fair amount of money - where ever those suits end up they will be made good use of I'm sure - so please, if you haven't already, nominate which caving club or group of cavers you would like to help  :hug:

Thank you, Jane  ;)


Active member
You have to thank those who set you off on your journey.
My debt is to the DCC who as well as helping me have done the same for many others and through their work at Alderley Edge have introduced thousands to the delights of the underworld.
Another one for the Derbyshire Caving Club it is then


New member
Forest School Camps.  FSC takes children from10 - 17yo caving in small groups, building their expertise and leadership skills in a safe and caring community where they can face their own challenges in a supportive environment.  After 17, they often continue as adult leaders, or caving with other groups.


New member
Forest School Camps (FSC)

FSC started me on my caving journey at the tender age of 11. They nurtured me and gave me a love for tight squeezes and warm wet holes and I am still caving with them  age 26 :)


New member
EECC or FSC,EECC will get more use from the kit.Brill offer folks,it's this kind of thing that keeps the customers coming.Thanx. :D