Chris Lank, Rachel S, Trish, Sam, Dani, Jason(guest), Lynette and Ross(guest)
Well, where to start? Not only did everyone turn up on time, but upon arriving, we discovered that the entrance chamber has totally changed.

Previously, we used to slide down the slab, to where the hole has developed. But now you cannot slide down the slab, as boulders have been (intentionally?) brought down covering the top of it. So instead, we took a hard right, descending down a rift, bringing us out at the shower-bath. From there, Chris and I decided what we were going to do. I was to take the novices around the Long Dry (Pretty Way), down through the Water Chamber, down the 8' (Old 40'), toddle down to look over the 20'. Then head back up the Short Dry Way. Chris was to take the others down as far as Sump One.
We ascended up the Shower-Bath, and then spilt at Jacobs Ladder. It ended up being myself, Trish and Jason being the only three to do the round loop. With the others going down as far as possible. As we went round the Long Dry Way, looking at the pretties, we noticed that the pools of water that normally are only a couple of inches deep, were significantly higher! Even the 'Pretty Passage' before joining Boulder Chamber was wet!
I tried to do my best to impart some geology to Jason, and point out interesting things as we went. Whether I did this sufficiently I don't know. :-\ Anyway, we continued down into Water Chamber, after looking at the stals and curtains in Old Grotto. We went down the 8', without having to rig, thanks to Chris having been down before us, and continued to the 20'. Upon heading back, and getting up the 8' without difficulty, we got back to Water Chamber, to discover I had left the bag tied up at the 8'! Muppet!

Dashed back to get it, then decided to investigate the Wet Way, up to The Well. All went well, and the Lavatory Pan was PUMPING! I managed to work my camera's self timer and got a fairly good photo of the three of us looking decidedly damp after getting back to the Water Chamber.
We headed back up the Short Dry Way, ascending Jacob's Ladder without difficulty. I wanted to look at an alternative way out, so headed to the slab that was, free climbed it, to the left of the hole, and rigged a rope for an assisted handline, making exiting much easier. Chris's group rejoined with us at this point, and we all exited safely, without any drama!
A good evening was had by all, we changed and went onto The Hunters'