Andy Sparrow
Active member
Wednesday 15th July
Lionel's Hole
Andy S, Rachel, Steve, Alun and Dave Morrow
Back in 1978 I had the honour of being the first person to pass the Second Duck of Lionel's Hole and then three years later to dig open the connection that created the Round Trip. I have been in 'old' Lionel's many times since then but have not completed the 'full' Round Trip including the streamway for probably 25 years. This is another of those trips which I never really expected to complete again but my younger and keener wife had other plans. Thus it was I found myself leading this fine body of cavers through the Labyrinth. Of course these days I am not the emaciated youngster of the original explorations and I am very wary of anything that I remember as being even a tad tight. I seemed to remember that some of the squeezes in the boulder ruckle were snug and therefore decided to try these out first by doing the trip in reverse of the conventional direction. Snug indeed, and bloody awkward, and fiendishly tortuous, but successfully passed even if a shove from behind was needed at one point.
We emerged into the larger passages of the Extension and encountered a couple of Wessex chaps coming round from the other direction. Now it has to be said that Steve is non too keen on tight stuff and watched in horror as we squirmed off into Bishop's Bypass. He decided to defect to the Wessex at this point and he and Dave tagged onto the other chaps and headed out via the boulder ruckle again. Meanwhile I found myself back in the very dry Streamway slightly haunted by recent graphic descriptions of how tight Duck 2 had become. There was one squeeze en-route which I am sure never used to be there. Having dug my way through this I squirmed my way along the keyhole passage to reach the duck. Two attempts were required to get through with some frantic digging in between. Eventually I got through. Meanwhile Rachel missed the keyhole, tried to negotiate the streamway in the trench, and got herself in a right pickle. Eventually we were all through and back in the relative comfort of 'old' Lionel's.
We got out after a two hour trip with Steve, Dave and the Wessex hot on our tail. Alun was grinning like a Cheshire cat the whole way round loving every squeeze and grovel - bloody insane masochist. Rachel was battered, bruised and a bit shook up by her epic in the streamway. The next day I had one hell of a tender bruise on my chest from pushing through Duck 2, sore knees, elbows, and various other tender bits. But it's nice to know I still fit! It was actually almost fun.
Andy Sparrow
Lionel's Hole
Andy S, Rachel, Steve, Alun and Dave Morrow
Back in 1978 I had the honour of being the first person to pass the Second Duck of Lionel's Hole and then three years later to dig open the connection that created the Round Trip. I have been in 'old' Lionel's many times since then but have not completed the 'full' Round Trip including the streamway for probably 25 years. This is another of those trips which I never really expected to complete again but my younger and keener wife had other plans. Thus it was I found myself leading this fine body of cavers through the Labyrinth. Of course these days I am not the emaciated youngster of the original explorations and I am very wary of anything that I remember as being even a tad tight. I seemed to remember that some of the squeezes in the boulder ruckle were snug and therefore decided to try these out first by doing the trip in reverse of the conventional direction. Snug indeed, and bloody awkward, and fiendishly tortuous, but successfully passed even if a shove from behind was needed at one point.
We emerged into the larger passages of the Extension and encountered a couple of Wessex chaps coming round from the other direction. Now it has to be said that Steve is non too keen on tight stuff and watched in horror as we squirmed off into Bishop's Bypass. He decided to defect to the Wessex at this point and he and Dave tagged onto the other chaps and headed out via the boulder ruckle again. Meanwhile I found myself back in the very dry Streamway slightly haunted by recent graphic descriptions of how tight Duck 2 had become. There was one squeeze en-route which I am sure never used to be there. Having dug my way through this I squirmed my way along the keyhole passage to reach the duck. Two attempts were required to get through with some frantic digging in between. Eventually I got through. Meanwhile Rachel missed the keyhole, tried to negotiate the streamway in the trench, and got herself in a right pickle. Eventually we were all through and back in the relative comfort of 'old' Lionel's.
We got out after a two hour trip with Steve, Dave and the Wessex hot on our tail. Alun was grinning like a Cheshire cat the whole way round loving every squeeze and grovel - bloody insane masochist. Rachel was battered, bruised and a bit shook up by her epic in the streamway. The next day I had one hell of a tender bruise on my chest from pushing through Duck 2, sore knees, elbows, and various other tender bits. But it's nice to know I still fit! It was actually almost fun.
Andy Sparrow