• CNCC Meeting Saturday 26th October, 9.30am - Clapham Vilage Hall

    Lots on the agenda including Officer vacancies:

    In 2025, our Chair, Access Officer and Treasurer are all standing down. This meeting is an opportunity for interested people to make themselves known, ask questions, or just to spectate to see what the role might involve before putting your name forward.

    Click here for more info

Prid for 8 yr old

Hi All - hoping to take an active 8 yr old down Prid

- is there a relatively safe easy route you could reccomend not necc all the way to bottom just a quick wander- did a quick reccy to crystal chamber recently - is way on down slide on r hand side of chamber ?
- was a bit puzzled by where to leave the money and the callout board - it said not to remove details from it but how do people know u out?
- Im not sure a survey would be that useful given the nature of the cave but if anyone could send a written description it would be awesome.

Thanks !! _ DB


Well-known member
It's not a callout board I believe - you need to leave your own callout (with a friend/family member as usual).


There's a pipe in the side of the shed where you drop your money, the board is so they know how much money they should have made!


Well-known member
I have taken my 4 going on 5 year old granddaughter to the lake with no problems and she thoroughly enjoyed the trip. At Crystal Chamber descend on the left, cross the large Bishop's Chamber and ascend the slippery Mud Staircase. At the top go left and go through a short maze veering right then left into the nicely decorated Junction Chamber. Through the Little Maze, traverse round the wall of the Pit (easier than it looks) then down Grand Gallery to the Lake.
I have taken my 4 going on 5 year old granddaughter to the lake with no problems and she thoroughly enjoyed the trip. At Crystal Chamber descend on the left, cross the large Bishop's Chamber and ascend the slippery Mud Staircase. At the top go left and go through a short maze veering right then left into the nicely decorated Junction Chamber. Through the Little Maze, traverse round the wall of the Pit (easier than it looks) then down Grand Gallery to the Lake.
Thanks mrodoc very helpful Intel. I went down a short slidey bit on the left facing into the cave from crystal chamber but it didn't seem to have an obvious continuation...