
Can anyone tell me how one would go about getting access/a permit for the Sima GESM? That is, of course, assuming this is possible... I have heard that permits aren't issued during the summer months due to fire risk, but are obtainable at other times.

Any info greatly appreciated.


New member
A man who knows a lot about it is (deep breath...)

Sergio Garcia Dils de la Vega

who lives nearby and has helped organise lots of trips down there; including the Cavex diving trip last year. You could Google him. Alternatively, I think he is one of the chief technical advisers for MTDE - so check out the website and there may be a contact detail for him there.

Sergio has good English, certainly better than my Spanish (saying very little!)

Good luck, I believe that the trip is very pleasant.


Active member
Marcus Taylor made a DVD on it that he showed at Hidden Earth. I imagine he is well connected with the relevant people involved with the system and might well be able to help too.

If you haven't seen the DVD, it's well worth buying .. review in Descent a couple of issues ago I should think.

I did look into going there a few years ago, but ended up deciding that Easter was really the only possible time (as I'm a teacher so am stuck with school holidays). If you find you can go in the Summer months, I'd be grateful if you could let me know and I might well try and organise my own trip in a year or so.