snailbeach 7aug 11

ditzy 24//7

Active member
Recently we were lucky enough to get a club trip sorted for a visit to Snailbeach lead mines. Some of the people did and SRT exchange to the lower levels. We did a non SRT walk around the surface workings and three different underground visits. This link gives loads of info on the history:

The restored head gear over George?s shaft.

The blacksmiths shop

The entrance to Day Level that leads to the Lordshill Hauling and Engine Shaft

Entrance to Perkins level

Where Perkins level goes through a stope that has been backfilled from surface, with a supported tunnel section

Vein stuff in Perkins level with mostly barite and a bit of galena and witherite (according to bri)

Old chain ladder on the footwall of the Perkins level vein

Stopping where a side passage enters a stope filled from surface, looks like a builder bag full of grout

Rust coated stal in Perkins level

Iron stained flow

Detail of tiny gours on the wall

In a stope off Perkins level near the sheep shaft that goes to surface

Kibbles and tubs in a processing shed with a flat belt drive

Detail of flat belt drive powered from an old tractor that is being restored

In the wet Scott level just by the broken wooden dam with a very  big wooden bung or plug and a cast iron water pipe. Further in there is a flooded shaft that might link to the main mines

The tide line in Scott level, it was flippin cold and as I still had a cold so decided to go out early.

Some more images and info on
Thanks to our guides Nick, Steve and Emma. Hope to go again and do some of the SRT options



Well-known member
During the recent NAMHO conference, there was a rigged SRT trip down to the 40yd level, with some people (myself included) dropping to the 90yd and then the 112yd. The 112 was armpit deep in water and went on for ages......

An interesting place to visit, but not many artefacts.


ditzy 24//7

Active member
Some pics thast got left out because i was having problems posting and linking pics. the ruin in the pics above is actually the old lordshill engine house
hope you like them :)

The entrance to Day Level that leads to the Lordshill Hauling and Engine Shaft

Trucks in Day Level by the Lordshill Shaft

Restored hand winch over the very deep Lordshill shaft

Looking up the Lordshill shaft to daylight



Well-known member
Hi Amy, it was mostly for lead with some very good evidence for Roman mining here, but more reccently it was worked for Baryte before it finally closed. Follow the link to get the full detail in Ditzys first post - more than I can repeat here!


New member
its a great place a I was lucky to do a trip there a few years ago, big atmospheric place in parts highly recommended

gus horsley

New member
I always fancied doing a trip in there.  I've managed to do most of the Welsh mines but, apart from a surface scrut about at Snailbeach, I've not been underground.  Maybe one day...


Active member
ChrisJC said:
During the recent NAMHO conference, there was a rigged SRT trip down to the 40yd level, with some people (myself included) dropping to the 90yd and then the 112yd. The 112 was armpit deep in water and went on for ages......

An interesting place to visit, but not many artefacts.


I gather you went where no one had darede before?



Active member
gus horsley said:
I always fancied doing a trip in there.  I've managed to do most of the Welsh mines but, apart from a surface scrut about at Snailbeach, I've not been underground.  Maybe one day...

Gus if you want a trip into Snailbeach let me  know



Well-known member
moorebooks said:
ChrisJC said:
During the recent NAMHO conference, there was a rigged SRT trip down to the 40yd level, with some people (myself included) dropping to the 90yd and then the 112yd. The 112 was armpit deep in water and went on for ages......

An interesting place to visit, but not many artefacts.


I gather you went where no one had darede before?


Apparently so!, which was a bit surprising. Yes, Mark and I pushed the 112 yd as far as we could inbye (I think) until we got to a couple of blocked shafts / chambers up, and a section with questionable floor with the roof dropping to almost water level just after. It was only nipple-deep, and we did it in furry suits! (actually, I don't even think Mark was wearing a furry)
You boys ought to be down there whilst the water levels are low with a tape & compass!
