• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

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Staying in shape for caving during lockdown

David Rose

Active member
So here's my twice weekly home lockdown workout - an attempt to stay vaguely in shape until gyms reopen. I combine this with 5 - 6 mile power walks (as in fast enough to be almost running speed) three times a week. I'd be interested in what anyone who knows about such things might have to say as to whether it's likely to do much good. I do three sets of reps of everything. I'm using two 5kg dumbells - all I have. I compensate for the lack of weight by doing all the weight exercises v - e - r - y  s - l - o - w - l- y. Then I want to maintain endurance, not build bulk - especially for caving.
1. Press ups. I can now manage about 60 divided over 3 sets with a breather in between. Aiming for 90 by the end of lockdown.
2. 3 sets of bicep curls x 35.
3. 3 sets of lateral raises x 15.
4. 3 reps of front plank x 1 minute, side plank each side x 30 secs.
5. 3 sets of 30 rotational punches, alternate sides. Bringing weights from a position by my waist until they're stretched out and up as far as I can reach.
6. 3 sets slow squats with the weights going from almost touching the floor to having the weights overhead x 35.
7. 3 x ski-style wall sits for as long as I can endure - now up to 2.5 mins, then 2 mins, then 1.5 mins.
8. 3 sets of an exercise where I lean forward, and move the weights from a position clenched into my chest until they are stretched out behind me, for triceps. 20 at a time.
9. 3 sets of lying on my back, arms outstretched with weights not quite touching the floor, bringing them up until they are almost touching above my head, then letting them back down, x 30.
Anyone got other ideas? I feel I 'm doing ok with pecs, glutes, quads, core and deltoids. Pulling down (as needed for rock climbing) not so much. The whole thing takes a bit over an hour. My wife Carolyn does it with me, using smaller weights.


Staff member
If that doesn't keep you fit I don't know what will.  I'm exhausted just reading it Dave.  ;)


Well-known member
Running on the fells.

And, as with Laurie, beer (but not till February as January's a dry month).

Beer is great for glycogen loading.  ;) So are chips (loads of 'em).


Well-known member
I am more martial arts exercise as mine exploration not as demanding as caving. But maybe some ideas?

So, twice daily press ups, sit ups, side splits (box splits), front splits and punch bag. Plus kata where I have the room, also a lot of DIY jobs and local walks.
Jogging/running about three times per week, anything from 1.5-7 miles, depending on time available. The footpaths and bridleways around here are an absolute quagmire at the moment so I normally end up filthy, especially if I fall over.

On non-running days I tend to do a quick 8 minute circuit of plank type exercises and a couple of sets of chin ups. Need to add in some dips and press ups too.

Not great, but I?ve been doing some long days at work so I?m pleased to just be keeping moderately active.


David Rose said:
Anyone got other ideas? I feel I 'm doing ok with pecs, glutes, quads, core and deltoids. Pulling down (as needed for rock climbing) not so much.
I do some of what you are doing but I find pull ups (with fingers pointing away from the body) to be the best exercises for me.  It gets most of the upper body including the core.

I do them in a sequence like this:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. 

So start with one pull up, then keep adding one until you get to your limit (I used to be able to get up to 10 easily).  Then reduce by one each time. 

This gives you time to warm up and the total number you have done is the square of the highest number you get to.  To increase the effort you can raise you knees to your chest or bring your legs up horizontally to form an L shape.

My wife can?t do pull ups so she jumps up and then lowers down as slowly as she can.


Well-known member
@dave: The action of pulling down will use shoulders and back mostly (plus a little bicep action).

I?ve been doing the following workout for the last few months, restarting after completing but with an increased weight. Mostly works out as 4x30-40 minute sessions a week.


Have also been doing the following 4 cardio sessions a week since Christmas only due to recovering from a knee injury and having the opportunity due to being unemployed: a 25 minute sprinting session, 25 minute agility session, a 3km run and a 10km run.


I've been keeping in shape for digging by contouring myself into unimaginable shapes upside down under the dash of the Land Rover today, climbing in and out repeatedly every time I realise that I need a slightly different tool, that I can't pick up, despite the fact that it's right next to my hand. For added authenticity, this has been done with a headlamp on and bits of grit falling in my eyes...


Well-known member
If you fancy a 5 mile walk but the weathers foul you could try going to the B&Q for just two or three ordinary everyday items.


Well-known member
David Rose said:
Alas, we don't have many fells within five miles of central Oxford!

I've never missed caving so much.

No - but you've got some excellent beer, for carb loading. Brakespear's "Oxford Gold" is one of my favourites.

Joking apart, I do realise only a small proportion of cavers have decent upland terrain on their doorsteps; you have my sympathy; it must be grim being kept away. Chin up David; things will improve in the not too distant future.


Well-known member
Red wine and chocolate contain anti-oxidants and have some other health benefits apart from tasting nice.

Mr Mike

Active member
Before I came off my push bike mid Nov, I was doing every week (mostly successful) 2 x 25km bike rides pushing myself as hard as I am able (takes 60-80mins depending on how I am feeling), 1-2 x 2km jogs, 2 x 20min weights session with 5kg dumbbells and maybe 1-2 x 8-12km walks per month out on the west Pennine moors or further afield. Trying to get back into it?


Active member
Since things went tits up my nice cushy job of 25 years has disappeared.  To keep the wolf from the door I am doing a variety of freelance building/labouring/ heavy maintenance jobs.  I don't think I've ever been fitter.