• The Derbyshire Caver, No. 158

    The latest issue is finally complete and printed

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Survex import into autocad

alasdair neill

New member
Has anyone imported survex data including the LRUD data into autocad?
I know it has been used to import the centreline, but what we would like is to produce somethging like the survex 3d files which can then be used in professional mining software which is much more versatile than the survex 3d.
How to go about this is way beyond my experience, but someone who is doing this for mine plans is willing to give it a go with large cave system survex files; it would help him if someone has already or would produce a routine to do this.


New member
Not done it myself but Survex Aven has an 'Export As' function which can output DXF.
This function provides a list of items you can export including walls etc.

Would be useful for the community if you played around with the above and report back ?


I remember doing this a long time ago. I seem to remember I had to turn all the splay shots into legs by adding a station number at the end of them. Exporting as a dxf allows you to import into a variety of programs including Autocad.