

Active member
Step up, who can give us a new passage with comical turnip based name! Let’s see how long this takes to get totally out of hand and get shut down 😉😂

Roger W

Well-known member
There must be a pothole, passage or pitch somewhere named after a certain England football manager?


Well-known member
Southgate in GG? (But that was named a long time ago, not long after England beat Germany in that incredible 1966 world cup match).
There must be some scope for a bit of erudition, is there a Townshend Crawl somewhere or a Walpole Bypass (some-in-law relation I think), as Therese Baldrick may have been referring to the manglewurrzle.

Roger W might be thinking of the swede rather than Mr Taylor!


Active member
I was referring to the government guidance to eat turnips since they’ve got no salad in the supermarkets. Nothing to do with football, whatever that is.


Active member
The intention was a suggestion to name a real life new discovery after the latest govt public relation faux pas. Just for giggles but feel free to make suggestions for others to use instead!
Turnipgate for a hard section of passage?


Well-known member
Didn't Baldrick in Blackadder have a thing for turnips? Maybe the government have a cunning plan to get some tomatoes on the shelves.


  • Turnip for the books - for anything particularly noteworthy.
  • Neeps and Tatters (tatties) - for a particularly abrasive section of passage
  • How can you have any pudding if you don't eat turnips? - Reference to Pink Floyds "The Wall" but probably best left for passage that requires stabilising by hand


Well-known member
Tatty water as an epithet for a feature discovered by a caver that's recently had a clip & snip. e.g. Tatty Water Rift or Tatty Water Inlet.

Or the disturbing sounding Tatty Water Sump - you wouldn't want to go diving in there.


Well-known member
WE already have the Turnip Field in Crackpot. Are there any other exisiting turnip passages/chambers?