Very unexpected.


Well-known member
Digging will commence soon, been very busy with all sorts of stuff since last dig. will probably need a hand at some point Dr Bart has offered so will keep you updated when it happens


Well-known member
Finally made a start with digging, entrance has been modified and had a scratch about with Moose yesterday.

We put a scaffold platform in and started moving the heap from the bottom and stacking spoil on it.

Made a flopjack today, going to put that in tonight With Moose

Andy Bartle (Bartman) is going to call in the morning and have a look.

Need to keep the momentum going

Message if interested



New member
Interesting and promising dig... Looking forward to many more visits and see where this goes... Nice to see you again mark... see you soon.


Well-known member
Looking good

I have sunk a scaffold shaft, and at the end of the last session I poked through into a continuation of the rift.

I need to dig the shaft a bit deeper to get in but it looks big enough, can't see the end, nice steady draught.

Might get back in tomorrow


Well-known member
Pipster said:
Any more  updates Mark?

Actually not been in much since October, (too busy with work)

I have put a bit more scaffolding in and went in to have a look yesterday, as it was quite warm, to see if the draught had come back.

It had, and was blowing quite strong from the continuation.

All available stacking space has been used up, and I now need a team of around 4 people to empty the cave (most of the spoil is in sandbags)

1 session should see it done, and then digging can re-commence.

A few pics of current position


Looking in

Bit further

Climb down

Climb down

Crawl to top of final shaft

Top of shaft (about 10ft deep)

Looking down shaft

Bottom of shaft

Continuation (fill almost reaches roof but good draught)

Sort of stuff coming out of dig

I need to set a date and get a team together now, anyone interested?