Win a tackle bag!


Active member

Practicing my crossing the canals technique for the Berger - didn?t know there were wild hippos in there!!

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Well-known member
Take a pontonniere and walk through the canals. If it?s wet and you are rigging leave it on to the bottom.


Well-known member
Its somewhat easier to hump 2-3 tackle bags if you can walk rather than make like a spiderman tribute act.
It?s noticeable that not many people in the UK have used one, let alone own one. Expe still sell them.
And yes, I handed mine over to the the deriggers when we met. Was very grateful after if I recall.


New member
My lad Ben attempts to exit the barrel after the exercise ball is pushed in... He was in there about 20 minutes while we laughed... then he got his arms past the 'constriction' and worked out he could deflate it... clever boy... although 'idiot' according to his little sister.  The video is funnier - paste it here on Flickr



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Pete K

Well-known member
I've been putting some caver training videos together now I have a bit more spare time. Annoyingly I don't have a cave to film in or an appropriate cast of extras, so I have made some compromises. I have not been talking to him, honestly.
Playlist of YouTube vids here if anyone wants to see how I have been attempting to keep myself sane:


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Emma?s garage pot - Grade 3
An awkward 1m down climb to a chamber. Hand line might be useful for some.
The chamber quickly degenerates to chokes at both ends.

Glad to make this discovery before the new northern caves comes out!


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Staff member
Of course! .....and thank you for supporting the competition. Love the video, especially the sounfs of the gear clinking :)

Please take a look through all of the entries folks and 'like' your favourites :)

Roger W

Well-known member
HardenClimber3 said:
It goes...I really didn't think skippy's dig was going to go...

I've just realised - that's a different entrance there!

You've got a through trip!!


Staff member
Caving in flip flops!  :eek:

Don't forget to 'like' your favourites folks - including the early ones to be posted - keeping it fair for all  ;)  (y) (y)


Staff member
Ian Ball said:
but if I like them all  :-\ -)

...then like them all - it's lovely for the cavers who have gone to the trouble to help raise a smile get some thanks :)