Yorkshire accident


Active member
Just seen this on the bbc website.
Anyone know any more?

My thoughts go to the family.

Peter Burgess

New member
Thankfully, this sort of thing doesn't seem to happen as often as it used to, or is it my imagination? Sad though, nonetheless.


New member
Sad news.

Thankfully, this sort of thing doesn't seem to happen as often as it used to, or is it my imagination?
As often as when? They still regretably occur, some years are better than others..



Thankfully, this sort of thing doesn't seem to happen as often as it used to, or is it my imagination?

thing thats your imagination again pete  :thumbsdown:.

A few close friends are into cave diving - and One a year is one too many a year for me.

Condolances go out to the family and close friends. RIP Mike.



New member
The loss of Mike Wooding is a very sad blow to British caving. Mike was a very hard caver and diver who made many significant explorations back in the seventies (Far Waters in GG, Ingleborough Cave extensions, Wooding's Passage in Keld Head, etc.) and in the last couple of years or so (digging with others in Small Mammal, as well as swinging about on ropes in GG MainChamber/ Rat Hole).

I have been asked by Fish (the Chairman of the Cave Diving Group) to post this message here, because he was a regular contributor/ correspondent on this forum (aka 'Mike W'). He was also one of the nicest, most polite and amiable blokes you could wish to meet - as well as being a mine of information on the caves of the Dales.

No doubt many of you will wish to know of the funeral arrangements. Fish will post these on the CDG website, once they have been finalised.


(CDG - Northern Section)



New member
He was doing hard pushing trips earlier than that, being one of the first group to Swildons 12 with the ICDG back in the 60s.

This guy was described as "Legendary" as early as 1969 (by Peter Johnson in the History of Mendip Caving).


So sad :( :(

Condolences to friends and family.

Thanks for that post Scoff, it didn't twig that he was Mike W on this board.


I had an evening in the New Inn with Mike not so long ago. The main topic of our conversation was taking up cave diving again after a long lay-off. Mike had actually just started again, while I was considering it. From that conversation I found a new confidence and enthusiasm and it was a real inspiration to talk to Mike.

Ironically enough I have just today come back from Lappland where I did my first cave dive for 8 years. That trip yielded 54m of new passage and a second sump..."Wooding's Swansong" will be the name on the survey.

What a terrible piece of news.



Well-known member
I have just come back from a week's caving in the Dales intending to send a thank-you message to the people who have obviously spent so much time in The Rathole developing the new route. I was really impressed by the obvious skill that had been put into the route with so much poor rock and generally difficult conditions.

Every time I go to The Rathole in the future I will think of Mike Wooding, a man I never met and never had the chance to thank.



Well-known member
This is just to let you know that Mike's funeral is on Friday at 14:20 at Skipton Crematorium, and that the autoposy showed that he died of natural causes.