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Would you change your vote now?


Well-known member
  • The massive loss in the stock exchange and trading which is not good for any bushiness (Short term?)
  • As Farage has admitted the 300 odd billion would not go the NHS.
  • Scotland is highly likely to have a referendum and vote Independence.
  • Gibraltar is likely to be jointly owned by Spain.
  • EU says that there is no way we will be let into the common market, which is especially true as we don't want free movement. They come as a package.
  • Poss Borris as PM!?
  • Ireland...?

My question is with all of this above...

Would you as a leave voter change your vote now we know all of the above, knowing that the leave campaign basically lied?

Not to mention all the things yet to come like loss of environmental protection etc.


Well-known member
I voted Remain, because all that was obvious before the vote (and I'd hope those who voted Leave understood what they were voting for too)


Well-known member
But you didnt mention the inward investment from the EU or the labour protection laws and benefits like maternity and paternity leave


Well-known member
I only mentioned the stuff that is actually happening, or is highly likely to happen but yes there is a chance our gov may throw out a lot of the rules.


Well-known member
The massive loss in the stock exchange and trading which is not good for any bushiness (Short term?) > Short term, pound dropped as I expected, but then recovered slightly, and this is day 1. Too early really to know anything

As Farage has admitted the 300 odd billion would not go the NHS. > Lies told on both sides, possibly more by remain which according to some pundits is why it went against them, that is, they shot themselves in the foot.

Scotland is highly likely to have a referendum and vote Independence.> This would actually strengthen the England and Wales mandate for Brexit

Gibraltar is likely to be jointly owned by Spain. > I need to know more about this before commenting

EU says that there is no way we will be let into the common market, which is especially true as we don't want free movement. They come as a package. > I see possibilities in China, they want our expertise. Wasn't there a meeting a while ago on this? Common market was all what the EU was originally, then the goal posts started moving, mainly why I voted out.

Poss Borris as PM!? > Certainly not what I voted for, he never do anything against me but I just don't like him

Ireland...? > Yes????


Well-known member
As Farage has admitted the 300 odd billion would not go the NHS. > Lies told on both sides, possibly more by remain which according to some pundits is why it went against them, that is, they shot themselves in the foot.

What lie are you referring to all remain said is that we get some of it back already which is true.

Scotland is highly likely to have a referendum and vote Independence.> This would actually strengthen the England and Wales mandate for Brexit

Is that a good thing then? To split our country apart more. We may be the 5th most powerful country but that is soon to drop especially if we now cannot even keep the main land together!

EU says that there is no way we will be let into the common market, which is especially true as we don't want free movement. They come as a package. > I see possibilities in China, they want our expertise. Wasn't there a meeting a while ago on this? Common market was all what the EU was originally, then the goal posts started moving, mainly why I voted out.
We all know how good china's products are don't we how effical they are? But is China not in serious economic trouble at the moment anyway?

Roger W

Well-known member
I'm not saying that anyone here was necessarily deceived by some of the stuff that has been spouted by either side in the run-up to the referendum, but I do feel that the pictures of millions of refugees pouring into the country if we chose to remain, and the millions of pounds poured into the NHS if we chose to leave, must have swayed quite a few people.

Nor am I saying that exiting necessarily means the doom and disaster that some "experts" are prophesying.  But I just hope we can find a few people now with the political and ethical ability to navigate us through the troubled waters ahead of us.


Well-known member
Alex said:
As Farage has admitted the 300 odd billion would not go the NHS. > Lies told on both sides, possibly more by remain which according to some pundits is why it went against them, that is, they shot themselves in the foot.

What lie are you referring to all remain said is that we get some of it back already which is true.

I'm being misunderstood, I mean lies across the board, not just relative to that specific point.


Dave Tyson

I think its significant that the statistics showed that 'educated people' voted to remain but they were over-ridden by the rest... It shows that this country is well on the way to the decline that America is suffering. Once Boris and Trump are in charge who knows what will happen - maybe someone can turn out the lights as UK inc will be in terminal decline.



New member
How about we just go caving to get away from the referendum? The UK isn't going to sink tin the ocean over the weekend, and we can deal with it on Monday, eh?


Well-known member
Dave Tyson said:
I think its significant that the statistics showed that 'educated people' voted to remain but they were over-ridden by the rest... It shows that this country is well on the way to the decline that America is suffering. Once Boris and Trump are in charge who knows what will happen - maybe someone can turn out the lights as UK inc will be in terminal decline.



Active member
mrodoc said:
Dave Tyson said:
I think its significant that the statistics showed that 'educated people' voted to remain but they were over-ridden by the rest... It shows that this country is well on the way to the decline that America is suffering. Once Boris and Trump are in charge who knows what will happen - maybe someone can turn out the lights as UK inc will be in terminal decline.



We've become a f*ckwitocracy.  :cautious:


Well-known member
Dave Tyson said:
I think its significant that the statistics showed that 'educated people' voted to remain but they were over-ridden by the rest... It shows that this country is well on the way to the decline that America is suffering. Once Boris and Trump are in charge who knows what will happen - maybe someone can turn out the lights as UK inc will be in terminal decline.


I would be interested to see the reference for that statistic as I know the voting of a number of people, some of whom are very intelligent, and who voted leave..........


Simon Wilson

New member
ChrisJC said:
Dave Tyson said:
I think its significant that the statistics showed that 'educated people' voted to remain but they were over-ridden by the rest... It shows that this country is well on the way to the decline that America is suffering. Once Boris and Trump are in charge who knows what will happen - maybe someone can turn out the lights as UK inc will be in terminal decline.


I would be interested to see the reference for that statistic as I know the voting of a number of people, some of whom are very intelligent, and who voted leave..........



There will be a lot more psephological analysis of the results over the coming days and well into the future no doubt.


Active member
Simon Wilson said:
Oxford 70.3% voted to remain,  Cambridge 73.8%

There you go. Educated does not equate to intelligence. I bet there are very few mp's without a degree and look at the s^^^ the most 'educated' of these have dropped us in.



New member
ChrisJC said:
I would be interested to see the reference for that statistic as I know the voting of a number of people, some of whom are very intelligent, and who voted leave..........

The Guardian have some good summary graphs showing the properties of each constituency vs how they voted.

Key points:
  • Education was strongly linked to results. Areas with higher numbers of people with higher education more likely to vote remain.
  • Social class and income were moderately linked to results. Areas with lower social classes or lower average income were more likely to vote leave.
  • Age was weakly linked to results. Areas with older populations were more likely to vote leave.


Active member
I voted NO in the original referendum.
I voted OUT on Thursday.
Seems that makes me an uneducated f*ckwit.

So the letters after my name and a respectable pension mean nothing...