BCA AGM 2019 in Horton-in-Ribblesdale


Well-known member
2xw said:
I cannot be co-opted as there are three others running. Unfortunately it seems that the exec remains firm on this and I will no longer be involved with the BCA - I wish them the best of luck with it, especially the Y&D.

I would be very, very surprised if the AGM voted against letting you stand, given that you complied with the requirements of the constitution.


New member
Being the cynic that I am I wonder if at sometime in the past you've had a 'run in' with the old guard/control freaks/whatever and this is their way of getting you out of their way.

Apologies to any members of the BCA council who aren't members of the old guard and who aren't control freaks.


Well-known member
cavemanmike said:
I smell a bit of nepotism hear.ie :- damein/robin.
Might be wrong though 😈😈
You are very wrong. In fact, I hope you don't know me, because I would be genuinely hurt to think that anyone thinks I did the job of secretary for anything other than the doing my bit for caving. I am also pretty confident my dad is in the same position. Neither of us sought the role of secretary and I hadn't been anywhere near BCA, other than as a member of a member club, for several years prior to my dad taking on the role.


New member
2xw said:
Unfortunately it seems that the exec remains firm on this and I will no longer be involved with the BCA

and the shenanigans continue...

I'm going to need more popcorn before this shitshow is over and the dust settles.


Well-known member
Oh FFS, most older members will identify the requirement for a signature to mean it must be on paper & "in any format" meaning it doesn't matter how it's laid out on the page. Email probably wasn't even considered an option when the Constitution was written. After all, anyone wishing to join BCA has to use an application form & club reps have to bring a letter to AGM, so it's an understandable interpretation of what is written down, rather than an attempt to block an individual who could easily have complied if he hadn't left it to the last minute...

Also it doesn't prevent you from still contributing via Y & D.


Well-known member
cavemanmike said:
I smell a bit of nepotism hear.ie :- damein/robin.
Might be wrong though 😈😈

I would suggest you are (potentially rudely) barking up completely the wrong tree here.

In my (admittedly limited) dealings with Damien I have always found him very helpful; I am also aware that he was very involved in Eurospeleo 2016, amongst other things. I get the impression that Secretary is a thankless job with an awfully large workload as well as being essentially the BCA Council cat-herder (rounding up reports etc.). I wouldn't wish the job on anyone and regardless of day-to-day disputes I am very grateful to any Secretary who has done their part for the BCA.


New member
There are only three nominations for the three Individual Membership Representatives, so they will be elected unopposed.

They are:-
Tony Brocklebank
David Cooke
Philip Rowsell


Bob Mehew

Well-known member
mikem said:
Email probably wasn't even considered an option when the Constitution was written.
Hi Mikem - Would you like to read the many hundreds of emails I exchanged when we wrote the BCA constitution? 

I won't claim we left the wording vague so as to include the potential of email as I have to admit we did update the constitution around 2010 to include 13.3 & 13.4.  But I do recall using fax machines to transmit legal documents as long ago as 1990.

PS whilst it is normally two individual reps, a third post is vacant so some how, someone is going to have to be selected for that 1 year term post.


Well-known member
Yeah, I meant an option for submitting signatures, rather than day to day use.

Did any of them only apply after they heard 3rd space was available? Otherwise ask them if prepared to stand for only one year & if not, a vote on it will be required...


Well-known member
I have suggested that the current Executive contact the three applicants to suggest that they come to an agreement between themselves as to who will take the two-year posts and who will take the one year post. I'd rather it could be dealt with this way than via a complex election at the AGM.

The question is whether a two year post is actually more desirable than a one year...  :LOL:


Well-known member
Alternatively one of them might not want to do it at all & stand down to let Will be co-opted into the one year post...


Well-known member
Or (in the absence of agreement)...

It could be argued that the nominations were only for the two-year positions, and not the position of 'acting individual member representative'. In which case there should first be an election for the two-year positions, and then nominations for the one-year position (which would be vacant) could be taken from the floor :p


Active member
My own personal position on Will not being on the ballot is that it is a farce of the highest order, due to a willful intent to leave him out of council. It's a shame that after all the necessary work Robin has done for BCA that he will be leaving under this cloud. I think that the AGM must be given a chance to keep the only member of council who has done anything to advance the DIM cause by comprehensively looking into online voting and actually advocating for them, unlike others who use the voting position to express personal views.

Either we elect no one or Will should be able to stand. Both would be constitutional as he communicated an intent to run before the deadline.


New member
Correct me if I'm wrong:-

Tony Brocklebank - Anti-CRoW and Anti-Change.
David Cooke - Anti-CroW and Anti-Change
Philip Rowsell - ?

Will - Pro-CroW and Pro-Change.

Conspiracy theorists would have a field day!