Went down croesor yesterday, got up to surface late last night. Canoe is now rigged with a haul rope at either end, and runs along a tensioned line. Shouldnt snag on anything, though it wouldnt be a bad idea if someone wanted to go take a hacksaw or angle grinder to that bit of cable that hangs down into the water. To pull the canoe across from rhosydd end to croesor, simply haul on the blue drawcord that is passed over the pulley thats mounted to the ceiling, likewise there is a blue draw cord going to the rhosydd end to drag it the other way if needed (attached at regular Intervals to the tensioned line to prevent tangles). Failed to get any useful images of the haul system but here are a few pictures of us having fun. Also dragged out approximately two metric shitloads of rubbish, comprising 4 knackered inflatables (one of which someone had tried to burn???) and the sack of old draw cord and general detritus that you can see in one of the photos. If anyone fancies a job, theres still around 3-4 inflatables on the rhosydd side that could do with being dragged out.