• DEF - Derbyshire Explorers' Forum (01/02/25)

    Following the great success of the forum in 2023, we're holding it again!

    This will be a day for all cave diggers in Derbyshire to come together. Registration is required this year, so please follow this link to get your tickets:

    Click here for link

It was good wan't it...



Aye thanks all, what a bloody wicked weekend!
Look forward to seeing y'all again and having a new chance to forget your names underground, in a pub, or at next year's CHECC  ;)

--rob [bristol]


New member
"Suss were the most hardcore"

Controversial!  I'm pretty sure it was Kent that outlasted everyone on the Saturday night - even did pretty well in the fancy dress comp if I'd say so myself  :tease:



Active member
Now of judge of Friday nights fun and frollics i didnt notice SUSS being that hardcore or imaginative!! Manchester who had miles to come managed to dress up amazingly in their Flintstones theme and win the group competition! I tihnk to be hardcore you would have to take part in all activities to the max, so although MUSC are great for putting up marquees they didnt manage a great level of caving!

So obviously as an impartial judge I think SUCC were exceptionally hardcore  :clap:

Charlotte Harris

Surely Reading were the most hardcorest! We won beer pong and everyone knows that is the most important part of CHECC!!!!!!


Active member
Where were you??? We spent over 2 hours playing that damned game!!! Reading were the champs by a long way! Def think more different games next year for added variety!

Charlotte Harris

Probably down a hole. Some strange people actually went caving Max!!!


Well-known member
My guess from what I witnessed this weekend (images of spanking and leather still firmly in my mind) was that it was the "strange" ones that were still asleep as SUSS left at 10am to go caving both mornings.


Active member
Now I feel I have to stand up for some of the other clubs- the people who started the spanking and leather were in fact Cardiff!! Now we all know they are a bit special :tease:

But as you went underground I was in fact in the pub again with the Cardiff president collecting breakfast for the troops! And a few from SUCC were underground by about 10.30am.

Thanks Charlotte I know some people went caving at the weekend, though come to think of it did u actually go underground yourself???  I dont want to break my personal record of 3 CHECC's and not one trip underground, (the first year I was tempted, walked to some hole in Yorkshire, but resisted temptation!)



Surely the point of CHECC is not only to drink to excess, but also to cave as hard as possible, some of our guys spent over 12 hours underground this weekend, and equally as many pissed

now thats should be everyone's aim shouldn't it?????????

cap n chris

Well-known member
RM said:
Surely the point of CHECC is not only to drink to excess, but also to cave as hard as possible

Surely this would be totally irresponsible and an attitude liable to render you open to litigation? I imagine the proper "point" to CHECC is an opportunity for Higher Education Caving Clubs to network (resulting perhaps in offers of showing visiting groups around their patch sometime in the academic year), for visiting cavers from other regions to get in some top regional trips and perhaps an opportunity for others to enjoy some social get-togethers, perhaps nattering over a pint or a nice cup of tea and some biscuits.  :coffee:

Chris J

Active member
cap 'n chris said:
RM said:
Surely the point of CHECC is not only to drink to excess, but also to cave as hard as possible

Surely this would be totally irresponsible and an attitude liable to render you open to litigation? I imagine the proper "point" to CHECC is an opportunity for Higher Education Caving Clubs to network (resulting perhaps in offers of showing visiting groups around their patch sometime in the academic year), for visiting cavers from other regions to get in some top regional trips and perhaps an opportunity for others to enjoy some social get-togethers, perhaps nattering over a pint or a nice cup of tea and some biscuits.  :coffee:

Surely it is our responsibility to fight such possible litigation and help return this nation to a state of common sense!! The best way to deal with all the wishy washy namby pamy politicians, solicitors and bureaucrats is to just get on with it and have a bloody good time!! Cavers (as they have been doing for years) can fight the nanny state by NOT pandering to it and spreading the word!!
Caving - last bastion of the sensible people!!

Opps - off topic rant!! lol :LOL:


New member
hob nob would be great!

Not sure where we were - if you did it on the friday night then we were probably still in the wessex drinking!  people left to go to the belfy (in the pissing rain) after getting our stuff sorted and a couple of bevvies to find people coming back from there saying it was empty!  I'm guessing people were in the shepton?  dunno.  we had a good night anyway!  beat you all next year  :LOL: