It was good wan't it...



Thanks peeps, I enjoyed it very much!
Who do i speak to to order a t-shirt?? In little person size please!


Has anyone found my memory?

I believe it went missing between 16 and 24ish pints on the Saturday night!

May be next to my sanity?

Will (MUSC)



That was an awesome weekend guys! I would apologise for covering every one in red paint  :-[... but u know you all loved it really :clap:!

I had a nice warm  :-\ bath in Swildons on Sunday morning.. fantastic fun.

Well done to all who organised... can't wait till next year!


Active member
  It was a great weekend away, and its a good job its not too often or I would be useless more often. As usual I didnt get underground for the whole of CHECC and thats now 3years in a row, though my excuse this year is that I was "being useful" organising stuff. Cant remember much of Saturday night, but from what I have been told sounds like it was a good night. By the way the beer price thing wasnt expensive, we gave you free beer on Friday though im sure some of you forgot that when you were grumbling. If you think things could be done better, let me or other CHECC people know and we will try to sort things for next year, even better you could volunteer to help us out, as lots of work involved!

Max x (SUCC)

ps we are going to do another tshirt order at some point and will keep you all posted.


That was an awesome weekend so thank you to everyone. As for the beer I am very happy to pay good money to have beer on tap and as long as everything is about fair whats the problem. Only next year I think we should order 10 kegs.

I really cant wait for next year now and hope hope all us people in cardiff can help with the organisation, esspesaly if its in South Wales.



It was an amazing weekend, even a MUSC member went caving...


Well I certainly had a good time, and I'd especially like to pass My thanks on to the nice young (Veterinary Student I think )from U.B.S.S. who made an old man feel very happy, or is that a happy man feel very old :LOL:........ Pics on B.E.C.web site........As for the partying, I think it was a bit like the 1960's, If You can remember it ...You weren't there  :beer:..

A big thanks to all of the C.H.E.C.C., for not only giving Us on Mendip a night to remember, but for cleaning up the Belfry on Sunday.

Hey 200 Students, 7 barrels of Beer, Fire, Table Dancing, and Only 1 Ambulance........I'd call that a Result


New member
Good weekend guys! Cheers for organising it. As a CHECC conneius.. connoisur.. coinneiseur.. however you spell it, this was one of the best.  :beer:

maxb727 said:
If you think things could be done better, let me or other CHECC people know and we will try to sort things for next year, even better you could volunteer to help us out, as lots of work involved!

Well I don't like to complain cos I didn't do anything constructive, but it was a shame we didn't have any games this year (apart from beer pong). They were a good laugh in previous years. I'm guessing everyone was too pissed to organise them? Perhaps we should nominate someone to stay soberish next year until they're finished. I don't mind doing it, or making someone do it.

What happened to the prizes? Did no one donate anything this or year or did they not get awarded?


New member
BenM said:
I had a nice warm  :-\ bath in Swildons on Sunday morning.. fantastic fun.
Erm incontinence can be solved Ben  ::)
I had a rath cold bath because I visited the facilities first.

I think it was an amazing checc and as always Suss were the most hardcore. Drinking and caving to excess.

Charlotte Harris

Yo ho! Awesome weekend! Think the lack of games thing may have been slightly down to me - sorry about that!! Sort of organised lists and then got drunk and all got forgotten. Prizes were given out for fancy dress, beer pong, sock wrestling and drinking competition. We had lots of accomodation prizes donated and I will email them round to the winning clubs soon. Would promise to stay more sober next year so I can organise games but I shouldn't make promises I can't keep!  ;)
So if you want to organise games next year that would be great Rich (new committee position - CHECC games sec!)
Chocolate (RUCC - beer pong champs!!!)


So very jelous I missed that one. Was on call  :cautious:.

Next year for certain. Is it in the Peaks. Please, Please, pretty please.

It sounds very like what the eldon stomps once where like and should be like again. Need to publicise this years a bit more.

Its the 50th anniversary and therefore will have to be advance tickets. However - if we can get any where near the numbers of the checc - then that would be awesome.

Charlotte Harris

SamT said:
Next year for certain. Is it in the Peaks. Please, Please, pretty please.

Thinking of SWCC for next year but not confirmed yet.


New member
Charlotte Harris said:
Yo ho! Awesome weekend! Think the lack of games thing may have been slightly down to me - sorry about that!! Sort of organised lists and then got drunk and all got forgotten. Prizes were given out for fancy dress, beer pong, sock wrestling and drinking competition. We had lots of accomodation prizes donated and I will email them round to the winning clubs soon. Would promise to stay more sober next year so I can organise games but I shouldn't make promises I can't keep!  ;)
So if you want to organise games next year that would be great Rich (new committee position - CHECC games sec!)
Chocolate (RUCC - beer pong champs!!!)

Actually I vaguely (through an alcoholic haze) remember the sock wrestling. I think I was too pissed to wrestle successfully though! I didn't realise that was a competition at the time, I thought it was spontaneous drunkenness. Now it all makes sense.  :sneaky:

SamT said:
Next year for certain. Is it in the Peaks. Please, Please, pretty please.

Think there was some discussion of having it in Wales again.


Active member

its great all the offers of help, can people please PM me with you e-mail address then you can get added to mailing list when we start the organisation all over again.

and we are looking into having it in South Wales somewhere for next year though nothing is definate yet.
