More questions on Bradwell Catchment


I thought that the day was a great success. A lot of interesting information was imparted by the speakers, there was much food for thought (talking of which the chilli was pretty good too) and I felt that most people left Litton Village Hall enthused to help fill in the large gaps in our information on the Bradwell Catchment. Nice one T pot!


Well-known member
Yep - a day well spent in my opinion, and much useful info gleaned - and hopefully some impetus for advancement. Thanks for sorting it out T pot.


New member
I would say that it was a worthwhile day, hopefully a better understanding of at least a small part of the Bradwell area will be unearthed as a result.

Well done T and J


Well-known member
I'm really sorry I couldn't stick around for the afternoon given how interesting the morning session was - I've been investigating Google Earth and the 1898 25"OS map to follow up on some of the points raised, and wondering if I can blag a GPR from somewhere to look for buried sough bolts!  I'm also thinking it's time I got to grips with Survex and converted some of the old surveys I've got into data that could be added to the 3D mater map - on a similar tack, is it likely that the Moorfurlong survey data is in John Beck's notes?

Anyway, big round of applause  :clap: to T-Pot for organising the symposium!


Well-known member
AR said:
...I'm also thinking it's time I got to grips with Survex and converted some of the old surveys I've got into data that could be added to the 3D mater map...
That would be great. With well documented Survex systems, poor data is better than none! If you need any help let me know....

AR said:
...on a similar tack, is it likely that the Moorfurlong survey data is in John Beck's notes?...
Quite possibly. As an output of the meet we'll hopefully soon be getting all JSB's cavemap data into the Master.


New member
Many thanks to Tpot for organising a very useful day.  AR - gpr is possible, just depends if I am coming up at a time it isn't booked off on a job somewhere, same with high precision GPS.  I'll try to keep in touch with you guys about this.
all the best,


Active member
Rob said:
AR said:
...I'm also thinking it's time I got to grips with Survex and converted some of the old surveys I've got into data that could be added to the 3D mater map...
That would be great. With well documented Survex systems, poor data is better than none! If you need any help let me know....

AR said:
...on a similar tack, is it likely that the Moorfurlong survey data is in John Beck's notes?...
Quite possibly. As an output of the meet we'll hopefully soon be getting all JSB's cavemap data into the Master.

What data for the Bradwell catchment are you missing?


Well-known member
I was thinking of starting with converting old surveys of Kronstadt Sough and Pictor End Mine into survex format, but there are also surveys of some lost/inaccessible sites if we want them included in the model- there's Windy Mine (Moss Rake), Marchington Shaft (Brunt Vein) and an engine shaft on Shuttle Rake - the latter was recorded as having a streamway in the bottom which is interesting if you follow the rake downhill to the road and see what's marked there...


Well-known member
Sounds great AR. If you can send both the .svx and a scan of the original survey i'll add them both to the relevant folders.


Well-known member
I've also got the old SUSS survey of Brunt Mine here, plus old surveys of Long Rake, Shaft 'A', Bird and New Venture - most done by Peter Lord and Steve Worthington. They're only A4, but reasonable quality and most have scales. One side of A4 isn't labelled though, and it's unclear what exactly that is. Jim Rieuwerts also told me that he has an old reference somewhere to Batham Pot once being as deep as Eldon Hole, so will see if he can dig that out. I'm meeting him on Thurs at his place, but I don't think he has any surveys that I don't have.


pwhole said:
Jim Rieuwerts also told me that he has an old reference somewhere to Batham Pot once being as deep as Eldon Hole, so will see if he can dig that out.

You'll need to give him a hand with that, Phil!  ;)


Well-known member
pwhole said:
I've also got the old SUSS survey of Brunt Mine here, plus old surveys of Long Rake, Shaft 'A', Bird and New Venture - most done by Peter Lord and Steve Worthington....
If you can scan/photograph and email me them i'll convert to .svx and put into the Master.