• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition



Any recomendations.

Down there this weekend with the Eldon.

Will probably do the swildons round trip (properly this time).
Did St Cutherberts and GB too last time.

Anything else that is a must do trip ??
SamT said:
Any recomendations.

Down there this weekend with the Eldon.

Will probably do the swildons round trip (properly this time).
Did St Cutherberts and GB too last time.

Anything else that is a must do trip ??

You've done the best ones, IMHO. Rhino Rift is worth a trip.
Longwood August and Eastwater.

Two classic caves. Longwood's next to Rhino so you can both in a single day if you're up for it.

Eastwater down to the 13 pots gives a very nice and intresting trip.
Not necessarily "must do" trips/caves but jolly good little diversions can be made by visiting Manor Farm Swallet (just up the valley from Longwood/Rhino) and Thrupe Lane Swallet; but I agree with the recommendations above so your best bet after Swildon's Round Trip is going to be Longwood/August (and presuming you can borrow the key you'll be pleased to hear it also unlocks Rhino Rift which is "next door" and one of a few Mendip SRT venues - unless the situation has changed since my last trip, a possibility, and you require separate keys.

Longwood's better though IMHO. Do that one. :)
Stoke Lane Slocker is top unless (a) it's raining or (b) you dislike short sumps - it's very easy to pass in both directions but easy to overshoot underwater on the way out - which can be a little unnerving :shock:
The stuff beyond the sump is superb though - pleasant streamway and the high-level chambers really are beautiful.

Cavemancolumbus :trout: !!! Never been there but it sounds totally awful. Though bait-the-visitor is a fun game......
Since Johnny's going down this weekend, I've notified the MRO - they said they're gating up all the sumps in the vicinity and forcing him to wear a set of bottles at all times, just in case he gets a bit frisky :P :wink:
Hmm - Im sensing that some of these 'recomendations' fall under the 'sandbag' catagory.

Would be nice to know why i.e. are they reputed to be 'hard' :twisted: or are they just smelly horrible muddy boring holes :sleeping:
Went down Cuthbert's last night with a thin person who said of Dallimores "Can't do the third squeeze"; it was also added that the cave is so tortuous that the original pushers used to leave spare helmets, Petzl Stops etc. beyond the squeezes (in a sort of kit store) - which they did in the dark with little kit on; the people who have been mentioned as Dallimores stalwarts are all so thin they look like they've emigrated from Ethiopia.

So presumably, Dallimores is neither hard nor a boring muddy hole; it's just plain impossible.

Remember, a cave is an underground void sufficiently large to allow the egress of a human whereas anything else is just a narrow fissure.
Dallimores sounds hideously hard: http://www.oucc.org.uk/procs/proc13/allbrits.htm

Tony Jarret said:
"Speaking as a rescue warden, I can honestly say that if someone were injured here, we just wouldn't bother"

Sounds as bad as Quaking Pot anyway.

Surprisingly, neither of those two are on my list.
Since Johnny's going down this weekend, I've notified the MRO - they said they're gating up all the sumps in the vicinity and forcing him to wear a set of bottles at all times, just in case he gets a bit frisky

Perhaps this explains why I was asked after last night's trip whether I would "be available during the weekend" by one of MRO's finest!

you missunderstand; I autually found st dunstans fun.
and after reading that oucc write up, dolimores is now firmly on my to do list. along with some of the other 'fun' trips mentioned.
I autually found st dunstans fun.
and after reading that oucc write up, dolimores is now firmly on my to do list. along with some of the other 'fun' trips mentioned.

Your surname doesn't happen to rhyme with Doormouse, does it?
Is Dolimores the same place as Dallimores?

Sometimes I wish I was skinny enough to do such caves, but then I reckon I can survive doing things that are less tight. Dallimores does sound pretty hideous...

...talking of tight places, has everyone read the excellent account by a lass named Pauline, again of the OUCC - apparantly it was something like her 5th ever trip underground. It's a good tale: http://www.oucc.org.uk/dtt/vol6/dtt6_23.htm