• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

    Click here for details of this edition


Nah Dollimore is in Draenen. Named after Nicola Dollimore who died in the Gouffre Berger.
eh? I'm confused.

I apologise, Cavemancolumbus, I was being a little bit evil, implying you had something to do with "Sir Andrew of the Moorhouse" (see topic under Derbyshire); your chosen name obviously accurately reflects your "push it to the limits" style of caving.

how about recomendations of a different nature

i.e - wot pub is best to drink in and whats the best beer to drink

the hunters I hear you all cry - but its miles from our campsite - what pubs are in priddy village.

Cap'n Chris said:
I apologise, Cavemancolumbus, I was being a little bit evil, implying you had something to do with "Sir Andrew of the Moorhouse" (see topic under Derbyshire); your chosen name obviously accurately reflects your "push it to the limits" style of caving.

No, never even been caving in derbyshire yet (will get round to it some day).
It's just that I was brought up on a diet of small, tight wet caves.

as for beer; Brains dark or Rev. James.
SamT said:
wot pub is best to drink in and whats the best beer to drink

The Queen Victoria in the village seemed alright last year...

The New Inn seemed ok for food.

Can't remember if there are any others?
Given that Priddy mostly consists of four houses, a farmyard, three sheds, a pile of fencing with some thatching and an acre of lawn, I think two pubs is plenty. While The Queen Vic and The New Inn are both "nice", the Hunter's Lodge is WYSIWYG + the food is good, cheap, honest and filling. And although it seems like one hell of a long walk from the Priddy Heights Camping site to the Hunter's Lodge, you won't be surprised to hear that it's actually even further than it looks.

I'd have thought you'd be staying at the Belfry, Shepton SS or Wessex CC accommodation... ideally sited for staggering back from the HL.
bubba said:
Since Johnny's going down this weekend, I've notified the MRO - they said they're gating up all the sumps in the vicinity and forcing him to wear a set of bottles at all times, just in case he gets a bit frisky :P :wink:

I was very well behaved, in the caves at least :wink:

Fantastic weekend!
Saturday; Rhino Rift & Longwood
Sunday; a good rummage around Swlidons

The P Bolts in Rhino are crap, all loose and it was nice to see that Longwood didn't have any.

Jarret was in excellent form and was still standing on Sunday afternoon :!: Just :!:
yeah - P bolting was a bit shonky down there - dont think they were using the right glue.

Comes to something when you prefer using the bits of angle iron with old 8mm bolts.

Come to think of it - the ones in swildons are loose too. Must have been a dodgy batch of resin.
Dont get me wrong though - rhino and longwood were both great. both different kind of caves but very enjoyable.

The trip round swildons was superb. pity we didnt persist on in the shatter series.
next time though.
Surely Mendip has some nice stuff somewhere???? What about Goughs Cave with its lovely lighting & clean pathways (not muddy at all!). I've heard the passage leads to a dig & they say it's draughty so do be sure to take your anorak.
yeah - P bolting was a bit shonky down there - dont think they were using the right glue.

Comes to something when you prefer using the bits of angle iron with old 8mm bolts.

I've heard that most of the current P-bolts have been put in with a resin that is actually designed for concrete, and that the manufacturer actually has a resin specifically for Limestone (for attaching lifting eyes to blocks in the quarries). Essentially the same, but more water resistant whilst setting. :?:

The P bolt on the first pitch in Swildons appeared to be shockingly loose - BUT - when the guys replaced it, it took a hell of a lot of pressure on the special pulling rig to get it out (3 tonnes was mentioned). :shock:

"Prepared to be shot down in smoke by some-one who knows the facts - not gossip in the Hunters" :oops:
A bit more detail on the "loose" bolts in Rhino Rift would be appreciated - since the original posting on this thread it has been mentioned to CSCC with responses from other cavers that no-one's got a clue what was meant by bolts there being loose. Not having been there myself recently I do not have first hand experience.

As for Swildon's Hole; ALL the bolts at the 20' have passed a straight pull test of 5KN (not standard practice but done just to check); the "good" news is that although one of the bolts had some twist movement (i.e. considered loose) it did indeed require a massive effort to remove it so perhaps it wasn't quite as "loose" as people had feared after all.

The testing was done by BCA after CSCC had replaced the old bolt.
Hi all, was in there last night, the right hand hanger on the top y-hang on the first pitch can be twisted a bit but I suspect it's not coming out in a hurry. Didn't notice any others though..... :lol:
Well last May bank - myself and John Taylor under took a trip down Rhinos and noted that practically every P bolt (there are quite a few so I certainly cant remember which bolts/pitches) but certainly the majority had some 'twist' movement.

Now it is well known that even with 'twist' looseness - it still takes a hell of a load to extract them - as per the Garlands bolt in Giants.

It was just noticed that *most* were loose, thats all. Out of all the P bolts in yorkshire and the peak - only a few are ever noticed as loose - so for a majority in one cave to be loose - it seemed odd and smacked of a dodgy resin mix or something.

The reasons that so many might be loose (I seem to remember talking about it in the pub afterwards) are as follows (I might start a topic about this in the equipment forum).

quite a few of the bolts are on pitch head traverses and thus have been orientated for a sideways pull i.e towards the pitch head. However when a 13 stone bloke traverses out using his cows tails then a 13 stone *vertical* load is placed on the p bolt - putting a large twist load on the bolt. Hence - a lot of them are a bit loose.
Actually - Ive just dipped back under 10stone after the christmas binge has worn off

Small you might be, but after the aforementioned Rhino trip, you still had to wait for myself and another 14 stone'r to get out of August before you could go down!
Small size is only ever any good, if you are in front of the lard-arse, with another route of escape if they get stuck.:lol:
Excess weight is caused by not enough caving :P
Ah - eyup. Didnt really get too far that day - followed the stream to the left I think, cant remember if it was longwood - or august. Went through a sort of tight bit then down some climbs/cascades (skirting the stream on the right round a bit chamber and down a couple more climbs. Will have to get back down there again sometime.

Dont worry - I try and position myself ahead, and the guys usually let me go - since they are fed up of me chomping at their heels.

Not enough caving and too many fryups prior to not caving.