New member
Re: The note in the latest e News: Of shower Boxes and day fees????
Please, please, please?..if you are a day visitor to the HQ please pay your day fee to the Duty Officer
Or a responsible member with access to the cash tin. If you sign in on the hut sheet the cash has to be
accounted for when that sheet is reconciled and sent to bank. If for some reason you put your ?1 in the
shower fee box then whoever is reconciling the hut sheets has to chase around after you and get your
pound back out of the shower box. This is just a pain. Please don?t do it. The shower box is only there
For non-member cavers who go directly from their car to the changing room to the cave to the
changing room to the car. If this description of movement does not fit you like say for example you are
coming into the kitchen to make a cup of tea then please say hello, have a nice chat and hand your
pound over to the DO.
It would be helpful for new & Provisional Members like myself if the name (and ideally a photo) of the Duty Officer (if there is one on duty) was displayed at the club so that he or she could be identified. Then I would know who to pay. Until I know who the DO is I will follow the obvious course and put the money in the box. I don't understand the logic of tying each ?1 payment to a member. It seems unwieldy and unnecessary.
Please, please, please?..if you are a day visitor to the HQ please pay your day fee to the Duty Officer
Or a responsible member with access to the cash tin. If you sign in on the hut sheet the cash has to be
accounted for when that sheet is reconciled and sent to bank. If for some reason you put your ?1 in the
shower fee box then whoever is reconciling the hut sheets has to chase around after you and get your
pound back out of the shower box. This is just a pain. Please don?t do it. The shower box is only there
For non-member cavers who go directly from their car to the changing room to the cave to the
changing room to the car. If this description of movement does not fit you like say for example you are
coming into the kitchen to make a cup of tea then please say hello, have a nice chat and hand your
pound over to the DO.
It would be helpful for new & Provisional Members like myself if the name (and ideally a photo) of the Duty Officer (if there is one on duty) was displayed at the club so that he or she could be identified. Then I would know who to pay. Until I know who the DO is I will follow the obvious course and put the money in the box. I don't understand the logic of tying each ?1 payment to a member. It seems unwieldy and unnecessary.