Snowcard Insurance


Active member
Just noted today that my renewal quote was double my old one - Caving without a local cave rescue team has been moved to the 'Pro Adventure Category'. Just a heads up for the expedition season.


Active member
Seems to be more expensive that Snowcard if you want the US included! Without the US is very reasonable though.



I am 65 with no medical issues, and have a yearly Insurance cover for Europe only, for trips of less than 45 days.
The BCA Insurance quote was ?302.35
Snowcard      "            "        "    ?178.54

Have I missed something, or is the BCA Insurance better in some way?



Active member
I take it thats a quote for non-exploratory caving. For exploratory caving for anywhere (not including the US), the prices are a little higher:

In a country without cave rescue: ?694.24
In a country with cave rescue: ?296.75

My current policy which I got in September 2018 was ?248, which was for exploratory caving in areas without cave rescue and included the US. So these prices have hugely increased over the last year.
