In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.
Yes, the more correct form is rhych y dwr - water furrow - but the other suits!Carbide1 said:Tony once told me that "groove where the water runs" was the best local translation
mrodoc said:When I started caving I discovered there was a rag called the Mendip Caver. It was roughly printed and used to arrive as a rolled up, often damp and tattered, collection of pages. I still have the copies I kept as a schoolboy. The OR used to write regularly for him and he provided the only Mendip news I got (in fact probably one of the few times Tony got plagiarised was when as a callow 16 year old I wrote an article for the Speleologist on Mendip Discoveries in 1967 basically lifting all the material from the Mendip Caver). He seriously antagonised the DSS who never forgave him for the Caves of Devon although it remains the only guide to the region to this day. He sent me a copy of the Concise Caves of Devon to review and I tore it shreds - metaphorically. The next edition contained an erratum slip acknowledging my assistance! He started to appear at Mendip events in recent years sending in photos for the competition (including a memorable one of him on a mobility scooter) and I wondered what had happened this year as we didn't seem him at the awards or the digging awards. He will be missed as will: 'There is a book'.
The Old Ruminator said:Rumour has it that the fellow is not actually dead.
Pat Cronin said:I have it on good authority that to my immense relief Tony is very much alive.
Given we have lost so many these last few years, this sad news was not questioned.
Mendipgirl; I very much look forward to shaking you warmly by the throat for bestowing upon me the news I had lost a respected pal.
Love, Light and Peace