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Welsh Wezzit

Cwm Cipwrth. Possibly before renovation?
Correct of course. I would also have accepted Gilfach, even at the start of the 70s we argued about the best name. I have not been back there since the summer of '72. It was a great place even without "renovation". My party trick was to lift the balance bob with only two fingers.

The photo was taken in late 1971, or perhaps very early 1972 and features my teenage wife for scale. A few minutes later the camera broke while taking a photo down the adit so no photographic record underground survived. We used to live in Golan at the south end of Cwm Pennant in a mining company's field office and this was a Sunday outing with three other crew members.

Over to you again Robin.

Sorry about the delay....

Here's something slightly different. Obvious signs of cave activity, and a potential large bore feature towards the front. This is a working quarry so I've been unable to investigate further.

This feature shares its name with the cave believed to be lost to the quarry. Although is it lost?

Another clue. I had thought this was in the Cave Registry, but apparantly not. This snippet is on Cris Ebbs' Caves of North Wales website (https://www.cambriancavingcouncil.org.uk/registry/CoNW/)

"Oh yes. I remember going in there with candles when I was a boy. The entrance was in the middle of the field where the quarry now is, and it ran straight into the hill (south-west) under the road. We could walk in for ooh 50 yards, but it gradually went smaller and we were scared to go further because of the bats....... I used to work in the quarry as a lad, and in 1923 we quarried down on top of the cave and used it as a haulage way under the road, but some years later it had to be made larger, and now there is nothing left of the cave to see".
Source: North Wales Caving Club newsletter No 30 (June 1975) .
Another clue. I had thought this was in the Cave Registry, but apparantly not. This snippet is on Cris Ebbs' Caves of North Wales website (https://www.cambriancavingcouncil.org.uk/registry/CoNW/)

"Oh yes. I remember going in there with candles when I was a boy. The entrance was in the middle of the field where the quarry now is, and it ran straight into the hill (south-west) under the road. We could walk in for ooh 50 yards, but it gradually went smaller and we were scared to go further because of the bats....... I used to work in the quarry as a lad, and in 1923 we quarried down on top of the cave and used it as a haulage way under the road, but some years later it had to be made larger, and now there is nothing left of the cave to see".
Source: North Wales Caving Club newsletter No 30 (June 1975) .

...and mentioned in "The Netherworld of Mendip" apparently.
...and mentioned in "The Netherworld of Mendip" apparently.
Looks like you have it. You can have the pleasure of naming it!!

I'm off up North tomorrow, planning a walk on the Allotment possibly via the Settle chip shop that Pitlamp praised a few weeks ago.
Looks like you have it. You can have the pleasure of naming it!!

I'm off up North tomorrow, planning a walk on the Allotment possibly via the Settle chip shop that Pitlamp praised a few weeks ago.

I have not named it so I have not won! The Wezzit is still open.....
Another clue. I had thought this was in the Cave Registry, but apparantly not. This snippet is on Cris Ebbs' Caves of North Wales website (https://www.cambriancavingcouncil.org.uk/registry/CoNW/)

"Oh yes. I remember going in there with candles when I was a boy. The entrance was in the middle of the field where the quarry now is, and it ran straight into the hill (south-west) under the road. We could walk in for ooh 50 yards, but it gradually went smaller and we were scared to go further because of the bats....... I used to work in the quarry as a lad, and in 1923 we quarried down on top of the cave and used it as a haulage way under the road, but some years later it had to be made larger, and now there is nothing left of the cave to see".
Source: North Wales Caving Club newsletter No 30 (June 1975) .
Having gone back to look at this again, just out of idle interest, I find Robin is wrong and both the sink and the cave are on the Cambrian Cave Registry, although the cave looks like a recent addition.

I don't know the area at all and am unfamiliar with the geology, but it looks interesting. The supposed 40m movement of the sink and disappearance of the stream don't seem odd - at the other end of Wales this sort of thing happens in Torfaen all the time. I suspect there is a lot more going on underground than is known, but lack of rock exposure makes exploration difficult. There are more quarries that might be interesting.
Ah yes. You're right. I blame the UI though! I assumed you get a global search if you didn't select an area, but you just get zero reults