Welsh Wezzit


Well-known member
Perseverance Series (probably not an official name), Ogof Draenen. The corner just before Fault Chambers, where you can get a drink from the Inlet falling down the little aven. Wouldn't sit there too long! 😲

Babyhagrid got in there first though. 🙂


Well-known member
How about this one

Long Drop

Active member
Indeed Huge. The top of the sump, (that must go)
Below water when the silt has been dredged out that sump ends in a low horizontal slot, into which a diver can squeeze about a body length. It needs enlarging. Technology is changing / improving with new underwater drills appearing so I'm hoping that in due course we'll read in the CDG NL that some future diver has got through.

In the meantime looking forward to Huge's photo :)


Well-known member
Still no guesses so here's a clue.

In the quarry in the background is cave that shares its name with the resurgence.


And here's an even wider shot of the area. The feature in the foreground also shares its name with the resurgence and cave.


Well-known member
You've got it Graigwen, over to you.

Claisfer Resurgence/Ffynnon Claisfer, as dived and surveyed by Long Drop a while back. Tight and very cold, I think is what he reported.

With Ogof Claisfer in the quarry in the background and Claisfer Pot in the last photo.


Well-known member
I have just had some very bad news about my brother, so would like to decline on this occasion and let someone else have a go.

Ian Adams

Well-known member
I'm sure It's Prince Edward Gold mine (nice one Robin) in the middle of nowhere. There is an incline a few yards further up the river/streamway (you can't see the river that it's draining into because its behind the camera) which I slipped down trying to get a look at the lower level. Once I had fallen down (and twisted my ankle so it swelled up like Jupiter), I thought I may as well have a peep before trying to get back up (which was awkward as buggery with one working foot). Not much to see down there except a short internal shaft (from above) that would have been easier to get down :unsure: Anyway, it's one of the many places I learned that sometimes things aren't as easy as they first seem o_O
