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Colin Furze discovers a cave


Well-known member
That bloke should be a caver. He's got some useful toys in that workshop.

I wonder if his house insurer has been kept informed about the project?


He's a complete loon, but gotta love him.  His underground bunker is mega.  Can you imagine being married to him.. "long suffering" is a phrase that springs to mind.  :LOL:


This is the first time I have ever seen anyone digging while wearing a shirt and tie...


New member
SamT said:
He's a complete loon, but gotta love him.  His underground bunker is mega.  Can you imagine being married to him.. "long suffering" is a phrase that springs to mind.  :LOL:

I think you would make a lovely couple Sam!


Well-known member
It's gonna be a long series judging by how long it's taken him just to sink that shaft.



Well-known member
Let alone married, being this next door neighbor. He's probably a really nice guy, but have you seen the stuff about pulse jets? That's not exactly quiet


New member
ChrisJC said:
It's gonna be a long series judging by how long it's taken him just to sink that shaft.


New vid just posted... I think he's still using footage from a few months back.


Well-known member
RobinGriffiths said:
Ooh. Looks like a bit of oolite that. Does oolite have any caves?

He is in Stamford - just up the road from me. And yeah, he is on oolitic limestone.

There are subterranean watercourses, some work as been done a little further to the north in the area of the East and West Glen rivers. But nothing anywhere near large enough to get into! Andy Farrant was a contributor to a paper entitled "Groundwater in Jurassic Carbonates" which discusses it in detail.

I highly doubt that Furze will find anything other than cracks in the limestone.

But what perfect geology he has for his project! fractured limestone, and clay at just the right depth for the top of the tunnel!


Andy Farrant

Active member
Judging from the video, it looks like he found a gull cave ('windypit') in the oolitic limestone. I don't know exactly where he is based, but Stamford is potentially prone to cambering and gulling in the Jurassic limestones.

The Old Ruminator

Well-known member
There was another projected noted by the Chelsea SS a good few years ago. Similiar idea but in chalk. He had an underground workshop and was starting on an underground swimming pool. He was a retired engineer and had been doing it for years at a secret address. I wonder what happened later.


Noticed he was using a hydraulic "pick" to break up rocks - his was electrically powered but you can get ebay/amazon pump action kits with various attachments - anyone used one of these for digging? with any success?


SamT said:
He's a complete loon, but gotta love him.  His underground bunker is mega.  Can you imagine being married to him.. "long suffering" is a phrase that springs to mind.  :LOL:
He had fun with retorspective planning for the bunker as there was none put in befiore he started and not long after there was a new housing estate that was built behind his back fence  :LOL: