AL-20 Bloquer as a Chest ascender


New member
I purchased (cheap) a couple of new AB-20 Bloquers that I thought I could use as both a chest and hand ascender. I misread the info and it says that you can use it as a chest ascender if you stitch it into the harness. I am not doing any stitching, is there another way of attaching the ascender as a chest ascender or am I better off just using this as the hand ascender and buying the proper chest ascender?

Think I know the answer, but did not really want to spend any more money.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.



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Well-known member
I've used an old style petzl simple as a chest ascender at times in the past (which is pretty similar to yours) and it works.

A Croll is much nicer as it sits flatter and will be a bit easier to get rope in/out if you are at an awkward rebelay. Although not perfect... I'm sure your ascender will work. Clip a krab/maillon/Omni through the bottom hole

What chest harness do you have? I recommend petzl Torse (or petzl Secur)

If you're skint, don't forget to post here as people sometimes Freecycle stuff. If you don't ask .. ...

Ian Ball

Well-known member
I've been using the Ac-30 for a few trips and apart from being a bit fiddly in gloves, it seems pretty decent.

As you say it's cheap, I am wondering if you would like to sell it to me and I'll use it as a hand jammer and you can then buy the chest jammer.


Ian Ball

Well-known member
Thinking about it, if you use a simple maillon between d maillon and the connection hole, no reason it wouldn't work as a chest jammer.  It won't be as comfy, or I suspect as efficient.  I think the bigger issue for me would be the left side spring opening, that will take some getting used to for a right hander.



Well-known member
Won?t the nice man you got it off swap one for the chest ascender version next to it on the picture?

It really is the most exact copy of the Petzl one from about 30 years ago (which was better than any of the ones they have now).

It really isn?t worth it to persist for very long with the wrong chest jammer. It is the Way of Pain.