• Descent 302 is published on 15 February and it will soon be on its way to our subscribers.

    In the newsdesk, read a review of the underground events at Kendal Mountain Festival, plus tales of cannibalism and the Cavefish Asteroid.

    In regional news, we have three new connections in Ogof Agen Allwedd, a report on the iron mines of Anjou, an extension to Big Sink Cave in the Forest of Dean, a new dig in Yorkshire's Marble Steps Pot, student parties, an obituary for Tony Boycott, a tight find in the Peak District and a discovery in County Kerry with extensive formations.

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Helmet recomendations


Well-known member
I'm in the market for a new helmet and looking for recommendations. Nothing wrong with my current helmet, other than it's now more than 10 years old and so outside of the manufactures recommend life span. As it's an Ecrin Roc, I'm sure it still has years of life left in it but the rescue team I'm a member of says all ppe must be within age limits.

I've recently tried on a Petzl Boreo, a Petzl Vertex Vent and an Edelrid Ultralight III. They were all comfortable (for a minute in the shop and without the weight of a lamp, at least.) The Boreo has lots of foam and looked difficult to bolt a lamp to. The Vertex was very expensive but otherwise seemed OK, if a bit chunky. The Ultralight again was comfortable and looked as if bolting a lamp to it would be pretty straightforward but it has to be one if the ugliest helmets I've ever seen. I know that shouldn't be a criterion really!

Anything else I should have a look at?
From the Starless River website:
It is important to note that due to its construction, the Boreo *can* fit bolt-on lights such as the Scurion; however it is a job that is easier with practice: so if you’re planning on doing this it’s worth contacting us directly.
The ultra lite may be ugly (I don’t think so personally) but it’s the most comfortable helmet I’ve ever worn. I just can’t get on with Petzl helmets. My climbing helmet is a Black Diamond Half Dome, very comfy and light.
Certainly possible to bolt a Scurion to a Boreo, I did it for about 6 months. Problem I had was that with the weight of the lamp on it, the otherwise stable and comfortable Boreo became a bit wobbly on my head.
If you like the Vertex, look at the Petzl Stratos. It's sort of half way between a Vertex and Boreo and I'm really liking mine. Scurion also sell helmet brackets to fit the Petzl lamp slots, so no drilling needed.
Thanks both. That's two people who have mentioned the Half Dome so I'll definitely check that out and the Stratos.

I don't own a Scurion and never likely to given the price and weight! 🙂 I use a Duo with a CustomDuo insert. I'm happy with that but there is a possibility I'll upgrade to something brighter but also heavier at some point.
The ultra lite may be ugly (I don’t think so personally) but it’s the most comfortable helmet I’ve ever worn. I just can’t get on with Petzl helmets. My climbing helmet is a Black Diamond Half Dome, very comfy and light.
Second most comfortable after the good old Phoenix Alpine
I recently bought two of the Edelrid Ultralight III for the kids. They seem okay to me; I don't think they're ugly! I haven't bolted anything on, but I can't see it being a problem. I'll probably get another one to replace my old style Edelrid when it expires.
I recently bought two of the Edelrid Ultralight III for the kids. They seem okay to me; I don't think they're ugly! I haven't bolted anything on, but I can't see it being a problem. I'll probably get another one to replace my old style Edelrid when it expires.
Thanks Rhys. One of my first helmets was an original(?) Ultralight from Caving Supplies. If I remember right, they removed the standard cradle and replaced it with their own design that sat lower on the head. Still got that helmet and lend it out to people who want to try caving.
They used to be sold as "Protex" by Caving Supplies with the lamp bracket and bit of string on the back for a cable. I'm wearing one in my profile pic!
We used to swear by these:


£90 for a fifty year-old helmet does seem a little steep, but it has been polished.

s-l1600 (1).jpg
If mounting a scurrion to it we found the ultralight was a right pain in crawls. Also in dry caves the faux leather headband means sweat dripping in eyes was a problem. I'm back with a kask now.
Thanks both, useful information. Yeah, I thought the headband on the Ultralight looked like an old-fashioned design. I remember my original Ultralight/Protex having something similar. It wore out and became very uncomfortable. Carefully wrapping it in gaffer tape seemed to work.