• CNCC Meeting Saturday 26th October, 9.30am - Clapham Vilage Hall

    Lots on the agenda including Officer vacancies:

    In 2025, our Chair, Access Officer and Treasurer are all standing down. This meeting is an opportunity for interested people to make themselves known, ask questions, or just to spectate to see what the role might involve before putting your name forward.

    Click here for more info



Well-known member
Does anybody recognize this delightful entrance


Well-known member
No-one's posted anything since early September so try this. It's in the Dales, just inside the entrance to a short cave, within the classic Three Peaks caving area. Many people will have seen it but only the very determined will have entered.



Well-known member
That's a pretty good call - but no. The cave in question is definitely also 'Only to be explored in dry, settled weather.' but is further west than BBC.


Well-known member
Both good guesses - but no.
Andys is under the right mountain though.
There - that narrows it down somewhat!