Which descender do you use?

Which descender do you use?

  • Petzl Simple

    Votes: 32 29.6%
  • Petzl Stop

    Votes: 49 45.4%
  • Petzl Grigri

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Petzl Rig

    Votes: 5 4.6%
  • Kong Banana

    Votes: 5 4.6%
  • Rack

    Votes: 13 12.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 3.7%

  • Total voters


Just for fun... I'm interested to know which descenders people are mainly using underground?

I think I've included options for most of the things I've seen people using.

Pete K

Well-known member
I can't vote for 2 things.
This last year of caving: 75% RIG2 and 25% Stop. Previous 15 years: 100% Stop.


Pete K said:
I can't vote for 2 things.
This last year of caving: 75% RIG2 and 25% Stop. Previous 15 years: 100% Stop.

Thanks Pete, I did that on purpose as I wanted to know what people were currently mainly using. Otherwise I thought it would skew the results as someone might for example mainly use a stop but occasionally use a simple but if they voted for both it would make the lesser used one appear unrepresentatively over used in the results.


Well-known member
Hmmm like Pete if it's pure srt then rig, if there's muddy tight caving and/or the rope is covered in mud or we're using 9mm then the stop.
I guess the majority of the last year I'd have to say a rig.

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Well-known member
Any news on when the new stop might be available, it's not in petzl's releases for Jan 2O19?

Mark Wright

Well-known member
mikem said:
Any news on when the new stop might be available, it's not in petzl's releases for Jan 2O19?

I've not heard of when the release date will be but I can confirm the prototype I have is still going strong. It took some getting used to but I really like it.



Well-known member
Mark Wright said:
mikem said:
Any news on when the new stop might be available, it's not in petzl's releases for Jan 2O19?

I've not heard of when the release date will be but I can confirm the prototype I have is still going strong. It took some getting used to but I really like it.


are you able to reveal what about it took some getting used to? change of designs/functions or additional friction to it?

Mark Wright

Well-known member
Unfortunately I'm bound by a NDA so can't say too much other than it has 2 x stainless (non changeable) bobbins and no more 'Clutch & Plummet'. The control handle works more like a Grilllon/GriGri so that took some getting used to.

Thats all I can say i'm afraid.



New member
I split my rappelling pretty evenly between a micro-rack, Italian hitch, and an old steel ring I found in the barn.


Well-known member
Mark Wright said:
Unfortunately I'm bound by a NDA so can't say too much other than it has 2 x stainless (non changeable) bobbins and no more 'Clutch & Plummet'. The control handle works more like a Grilllon/GriGri so that took some getting used to.

Thats all I can say i'm afraid.


oooh intrigued.. assume due to the change in design it might end up being rated to be 'c' rigged or am I asking too many questions?!

Mark Wright

Well-known member
The new Stop is likely to be tested against the EN341A (rescue descender) standard, just as the current version is, so most unlikely it will be 'Rated' to be 'C' rigged. The current Stop isn't 'Rated' for anything other than the correct 'S' rigging.

Any 'half' or other such non-standard loading will be entirely at the discretion of the end user who will take full responsibility for such use.

As I said in a previous post, the action of the control handle takes some getting used to.



Well-known member
Mark Wright said:
The new Stop is likely to be tested against the EN341A (rescue descender) standard, just as the current version is, so most unlikely it will be 'Rated' to be 'C' rigged. The current Stop isn't 'Rated' for anything other than the correct 'S' rigging.

Any 'half' or other such non-standard loading will be entirely at the discretion of the end user who will take full responsibility for such use.

As I said in a previous post, the action of the control handle takes some getting used to.


cool, thanks for the snippets mark :)


Well-known member
I answered "Other", but maybe should have ticked "Rack". I use one of these Micro Racks from USA:


Small, light, easy to maintain, easy to use (y)